ANSI B7.1:2000 pdf free download – Safety Requirements for Use, Care and Protection of Abrasive Wheels

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ANSI B7.1:2000 pdf free download – Safety Requirements for Use, Care and Protection of Abrasive Wheels
1.2.20 device: A piece of equipment or a mechanism designed to serve a special pur- pose or perform a special function. (See de- vice, safety.)
1.2.21 device, auxiliary: A device that by itself does not safeguard hazards but is re- quired to ensure the proper operation of the safeguarding (guards, safety devices or meth- ods).
1.2.22 device, safety: A means that detects or prevents inadvertent access to a hazard (see safeguarding).
1.2.23 discrete parts or assemblies: Sepa- rate or distinct units or elements that are considered output or work in progress of an industrial machine or manufacturing system.
1.2.24 dressing:* Dressing is the process of removing bond material from around the cut- ting grains or diamonds in order to expose new, sharp cutting edges and to provide chip clearance for the material removal process. (See truing.)
1.2.25 enclosure, additional: Additional en- closure is protection which isolates the opera- tion from people in the surrounding area. (See splash shield.)
1.2.26 exhaust zone: The effective area of the ventilation system used for control of dust and fumes.
1.2.27 flanges: Flanges are collars, discs or plates between or against which wheels are mounted and are referred to as adaptor, sleeve, straight relieved or straight unrelieved types.
1.2.27 flanges: Flanges are collars, discs or plates between or against which wheels are mounted and are referred to as adaptor, sleeve, straight relieved or straight unrelieved types.
1.2.28 frame: See base.
1.2.29 grind cycle: The period of time, either continuous or intermittent, during which the grinding tool is engaged to remove material from the workpiece.
1.2.30 grinding machine:* A grinding ma- chine, designed primarily for metal removal, presents a grinding tool against a workpiece, producing a change in shape, size, and sur- face finish. It may also be used for grinding material other than metals such as glass, ce- ramics, plastics, and rubber.
1.2.34 guard, adjustable barrier: A guard with provisions for adjustment to accommo- date various jobs or tooling setups.
1.2.35 guard, fixed barrier: A guard affixed to the frame, bolster or other surface in such a manner so as to enclose all or part of the point of operation or other hazard area.
1.2.36 guard, interlocked: A fixed or mov- able barrier or section of a barrier interlocked with the machine control system to (1) prevent normal machine actuation when the barrier is open or (2) prevent opening of the barrier or section of the barrier while the machine is in motion.
1.2.44 inorganic bonded wheels: Inorganic wheels are bonded by means of inorganic material such as clay, glass, porcelain sodium silicate,magnesium oxychloride, or metal. Wheels bonded with clay, glass, porcelain or related ceramic materials are characterized as “vitrified bonded wheels.”
1.2.45 installer:* An installer is an individual, partnership or corporation that is responsible for the placement and preparation for use of a grinding machine.
1.2.46 integrator: A supplier that designs, provides, manufactures or assembles a ma- chine, its associated machines or equipment, the safeguarding, control interfaces, and in- terconnections of the control system into a machine production system. (See supplier.)
1.2.47 interlock: A means or device that allows a hazardous condition to exist only when a predetermined set of conditions is met.
1.2.48 machine cycle:* A machine cycle is the period of time that encompasses the grind cycle and all other machine functions required in the operation before and after the grind cycle. Loading and unloading of the part either manually or automatically may be included in the cycle.

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