ANSI EIA 364-96A:2017 pdf free download – Plated Through Hole Integrity Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors

02-22-2022 comment

ANSI EIA 364-96A:2017 pdf free download – Plated Through Hole Integrity Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors
1.4.4 Plated through hole wall damage
Any damage such as cracked plating in the plated through hole.
1.4.5 Inner conductor layer damage
Includes any stretching of the inner conductor layers due to movement of the metal in the plated though hole as a result of compliant section insertion. This movement of the plated through hole metal may cause the inner conductor layers to “stretch” and/or “crack”. The evaluation is taken from a longitudinal cross-section; see figure 2.
2 Test resources
2.1 Equipment
2.1.2 Low speed cutting saw or equivalent
2.1.3 Polishing equipment
2.1.4 Microscope with applicable magnification capability, (approximately between 50 and 250 times), to measure or observe the requirements as specified.
2.1.5 Photographic capability if required.
2.2 Materials
Material to mount the specimens as required. Typical materials are two-part metallurgical ‘cold mount’ epoxy or a thermoset or thermoplastic material suitable for ‘hot mounting’. Cold mounting is the preferred method.
2.3 Fixtures
No fixtures are required for this method.
3.1 Description
3.1.1 The specimen consists of a compliant pin inserted into a PTH. The reference document should indicate if this method is to be performed on a pin inserted once into a PTH or when a third pin is inserted into the same PTH, (usually this is performed to demonstrate ‘repairability’). If this method is used when a third pin is inserted, the previous two pins should each be new pins.
3.1.2 The printed circuit board shall be of a given thickness, with finished and drilled hole size as specified. If not specified, the board shall be four layer equidistant throughout the thickness. The hole pattern annular rings shall be specified in the reference document. The two inner layers shall consist of parallel traces interconnecting all contacts in each row. The trace width shall be 0.010 inch (0.254 millimeter) and the trace thickness shall be 1/2 ounce (17 micrometers) copper, unless otherwise specified in the referencing document.
3.2 Preparation
3.2.1 The reference document shall specify the insertion depth of the pin into the PTH.
3.2.2 The pins shall be inserted oriented as normal for their application. If not specified the measurements shall be taken after the third insertion.
NOTE The printed circuit board shall be adequately supported during the insertion process to minimize any flexure of the printed circuit board.
3.2.3 Five specimens shall be sectioned transversely and five shall be sectioned longitudinally unless otherwise specified.
3.2.4 The specimens should be placed in the metallurgical mounting material. It may be possible to fit more than one specimen in the same mount.
3.2.5 The reference document shall specify where the measurements are to be performed, (e.g., at the mid-plane, near the top, or bottom sections of the printed circuit board, (unless otherwise specified in the referencing document the measurement shall be taken 0.012 inch +0.008 / -0.004 inch ( 0.3 millimeters +0.2 / -0.1 millimeter) in from the insertion side of the board).

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