ANSI HI 2.6:2000 pdf free download – Vertical Pump Tests

02-22-2022 comment

ANSI HI 2.6:2000 pdf free download – Vertical Pump Tests
This Standard is for vertical diffuser type centrifugal pumps. It includes detailed procedures on the setup and conduct of hydrostatic and performance tests of such pumps. Several methodologies to test centrifugal and vertical pump equipment are avail- able to pump manufacturers, users and other interested parties. The United States has two sets of pump test Standards which represent two approaches to conducting and evaluating pump performance. One, promulgated by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and designated PTC 8.2, Centrifugal Pumps, provides for two levels of tests and is based on a detailed procedure that produces results of a low level of uncertainty. The other, promulgated by the Hydraulic Institute (HI), designated HI 1 .6, Centrifugal Pump Tests, and HI 2.6, Vertical Pump Tests, also provides for two levels of test in which the test proce- dures are less restrictive. The ASME Code relies on the parties to the test to agree beforehand on the Scope and Conduct of the test and does not specify how the test results shall be used to compare with guarantee. The ASME is especially suited to highly detailed pump testing, whereas HI Standards detail test scope, conduct and acceptance criteria, and are thus suited to commercial test practices. ASME Codes do not permit the use of acceptability tolerances in reporting results, while the HI Standards do. It is recommended that the specifier of the test stan- dard become familiar with both the ASME Code and the HI Standards before selecting the one best-suited for the equipment to be tested, since there are a number of other differences between the two which may affect accuracy or cost of the tests.
Both the ASME and HI Standards can be used for testing in either field or factory installations. The detailed requirements of the ASME test Code are intended to reduce the effect of various installation arrangements on performance results and are applied more to field testing. The HI Standard specifies test piping and more controllable conditions, which is more suitable to factory testing. The HI Standards do not address field testing. Surveys have shown that both ASME and HI Stan- dards have been applied successfully to applications from small chemical pumps (1 hp) to large utility pumps (over 5000 hp).
Units of Measurement  Metric units of measurement are used; corresponding US units appear in brack- ets. Charts, graphs and sample calculations are also shown in both metric and US units. Since values given in metric units are not exact equivalents to values given in US units, it is important that the selected units of measure to be applied be stated in reference to this standard. If no such statement is provided, metric units shall govern.

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