ANSI HPS N13.49:2001 pdf free download – Health Physics Society

02-22-2022 comment

ANSI HPS N13.49:2001 pdf free download – Health Physics Society
Radiological surveys are performed by making in situ measurements of radiation and radioactivity and by collecting media samples for subsequent radiological analyses by a measurement system in the field or laboratory. This standard addresses the specific measurement and sampling tasks that compose a radiological survey, such as air sampling, surface activity measurements, dose and exposure rate measurements. The documentation of surveys includes the use of consistent nomenclature and units for records and a standardized methodology for calculating minimum detectable concentration levels. The standard is not intended to replace existing requirements for design or strategies for performing specific radiological surveys, e.g., final status or compliance demonstration surveys for remediated sites, and operational surveys to demonstrate radiological control. This standard identifies the survey tasks used in most radiological surveys, and provides details on how these survey tasks are performed and documented. The information provided in this standard is intended to be used in the development of procedures for the various radiological survey programs. This standard is not intended for external/internal dosimetry programs nor to replace requirements already established for environmental monitoring surveys or radioactivity determinations.
2.2 Specific Terms
As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA): An approach to radiological safety to manage and control exposures to levels that are as low as reasonable, considering social, technical, and economical factors. Background radiation: Radiation from naturally occurring radioactive materials which have not been technologically enhanced (i.e., not increased by or as a result of past or present human practices above levels encountered in the natural state, such as that from oil and gas production pipe scale and phosphate industry wastes, cosmic and cosmogenic sources, global fallout, and consumer products containing nominal amounts of radioactive material.) Background reference area: A geographical soil area or structure surface area (i.e., building construction material) from which background radiation levels and radionuclide concentrations in soil can be obtained and used for comparison to the radiation and radioactivity measurements performed in areas being surveyed. The distribution and concentration of radiation levels and radionuclide concentrations in the background reference area should be the same as that for the surveyed area (site) if that site had never been contaminated. Calibration source: Radioactive material that has been characterized by, and is traceable to, a recognized standards or testing laboratory, such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), for its radiological properties (e.g., particle emission rate). The calibration source is used for calibration of survey instruments and measurement systems. Check source: A radioactive source, not necessarily calibrated, which is used to confirm the continuing satisfactory operation of a survey instrument.
Data Quality Objectives (DQO) Process: A planning tool that promotes the effective use of resources and increases the likelihood of efficiently collecting appropriate and useful survey data. DQOs are qualitative and quantitative statements derived from the outputs of the DQO Process that: 1) clarify the objective; 2) define the most appropriate types of data to collect; 3) determine the most appropriate conditions from which to collect the data; and 4) specify tolerable limits on decision errors which will be used as the basis for establishing the quantity and quality of data needed to support the decision. DQOs assure that the type, quantity and quality of the survey data used in decision making is appropriate for its intended use, at the same time promoting efficient use of resources by eliminating unnecessary, duplicative, or overly precise survey data.

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