ANSI SCTE 07:2018 pdf free download – Digital Transmission Standard For Cable Television

02-22-2022 comment

ANSI SCTE 07:2018 pdf free download – Digital Transmission Standard For Cable Television
4 MPEG-2 transport framing
The MPEG-2 transport layer is defined in Reference [1]. The transport layer for MPEG-2 data is comprised of packets having 188 bytes, with one byte for synchronization purposes, three bytes of header containing service identification, scrambling and control information, followed by 184 bytes of MPEG-2 or auxiliary data. The MPEG transport framing is the outermost layer of processing. It is provided as a robust means of delivering MPEG packet synchronization to the receiver output. This processing block receives an MPEG-2 transport data stream consisting of a continuous stream of fixed length 188 byte packets. This data stream is transmitted in serial fashion, MSB first. The first byte of a packet is specified to be a sync byte having a constant value of 47 HEX . The sync byte is intended for the purpose of packet delineation. The cable transmission system has incorporated an additional layer of processing to provide an additional functionality by utilizing the information bearing capacity of this sync byte. A parity checksum which is a coset of an FIR parity check linear block code is substituted for this sync byte, supplying improved packet delineation functionality, and error detection capability independent of the FEC layer. The parity checksum is computed over the adjacent 187 bytes, which constitute the immediately preceding MPEG-2 packet contents (minus sync byte). It is then possible to support simultaneous packet synchronization and error detection. The decoder computes a sliding checksum on the serial data stream, using the detection of a valid code word to detect the start of a packet. Once a locked alignment condition is established, the absence of a valid code word at the expected location will indicate a packet error. The error flag of the previous packet may optionally be set as the data is passed out of the decoder. The normal sync word must be re-inserted in place of the checksum to provide a standard MPEG-2 data stream as an output.
This computational structure is illustrated in Figures 2 and 3. All addition operations are assumed to be modulo 2. For an encode operation, the LFSR is first initialized so that all memory elements contain zero value. The 1496 bits which constitute the MPEG-2 transport stream packet payload are then shifted into the LFSR. The encoder input is set to zero after the 1496 data bits are received, and eight additional shifts are required to sequentially output the eight computed syndrome bits. This 8-bit result must then be passed through an additional FIR filtering function g(x) (initialized to an all-zeros state prior to introduction of the 8 syndrome bits) to generate an encoder checksum. An offset of 67 HEX is added to this checksum result for improved autocorrelation properties, and causes a 47 HEX result to be produced during a syndrome decode operation when a valid code word is present. The final 8-bit checksum with added offset is transmitted MSB first following the 1496 payload bits to implement a systematic encoder. A parity check matrix may be used by the decoder to identify a valid checksum. A checksum generator as shown in Figure 3 with an offset of zero may be employed for this purpose. The code has been designed such that when the appropriate 188 bytes of the modified MPEG-2 transport stream packet (which includes the associated checksum) are multiplied with the parity check matrix, a valid code word is indicated when the calculated product produces a 47 HEX result. Each of the 8 columns of the parity check matrix “P” includes a 1497 bit vector, hereafter referred to as “C”. This vector is defined in Figure 4. As you proceed from the leftmost column of the matrix “P”, the 1497-bit column “C” is duplicated in subsequent columns of the matrix “P”, shifted down by one bit position. The bit positions unoccupied by the column data are filled with zeros, as illustrated in Figure 5.

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