ANSI SCTE 131:2017 pdf free download – HMS VoIP Test Management Information Base (MIB) Definition SCTE-HMS-VOIP-MIB

02-23-2022 comment

ANSI SCTE 131:2017 pdf free download – HMS VoIP Test Management Information Base (MIB) Definition SCTE-HMS-VOIP-MIB
“This MIB module, contains the interface for the hms VoIP testing specification. It allows an HMS/DOCSIS transponder or any other device that implements it to be used as a test point to validate VoIP service in the network and to report a common basic set of measurements. Theory Of operation: The device controlled by this MIB is called an endpoint. Each endpoint sends or receives a test stream to/from another test endpoint. A measurement application is responsible for controlling both endpoints to setup compatible test streams and to gather results. An endpoint can implement a number simultaneous test streams (reported in voipMaxTestInstance). Each test stream is controlled by a separate entry in the voipTestControlTable. This table contains a series of controls that enable the server to set VoIP tests The purpose of such a test is to simultate an RTP VoIP connection and estimate the equivalent call quality between two known points in the network. From the endpoint’s perspective’s, each test stream has three possible directions: transmission, reception or loopback. The direction is inferred from the voipTestControlSenderAddress & voip Test Control Receiver Address MIBs. The endpoint will detect its address in one of the two MIB and set itself up accordingly. When none of the two MIB contains the endpoint’s address, a mirror (loopback) mode is used.”
VoipTestControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
voipTestControlIndex Unsigned32,
voipTestControlIdString SnmpAdminString,
voipTestControl INTEGER,
voipTestSenderAddressType InetAddressType,
voipTestSenderAddress InetAddress,
voipTestSenderUDPPort InetPortNumber,
voipTestReceiverAddressType InetAddressType,
voipTestReceiverAddress InetAddress,
voipTestReceiverUDPPort InetPortNumber,
voipTestPacketInterval Unsigned32,
voipTestNumOfPackets Unsigned32,
voipTestJitterBufferSize Unsigned32,
voipTestCodecType OCTET STRING,
voipTestRoundTripTimeEstimate Unsigned32
A sender will stop the transmitting when it reaches this amount. A receiver can use this parameter to know how many packets to expect. The test can be stopped by the management entity before that number is reached.”

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