ANSI SCTE 38-6:2017 pdf free download – Hybrid Fiber/Coax Outside Plant Status Monitoring – SCTE-HMS-GEN-MIB Management Information Base (MIB) Definition

02-22-2022 comment

ANSI SCTE 38-6:2017 pdf free download – Hybrid Fiber/Coax Outside Plant Status Monitoring – SCTE-HMS-GEN-MIB Management Information Base (MIB) Definition
“Version of the SCTE HMS protocol implemented in the monitored equipment. The ‘Protocol Version’ implementation will comply with the defined protocol in the SCTE 25-3 (formerly HMS 022) document with the corresponding revision number. Example: A generator implementing all commands and responses defined in the SCTE 25-3 revision 1.1 would return a value of 11(decimal) in this field, reflecting major revision 1, minor revision 1. Transponders which are capable of appropriately rendering the data as defined by this MIB without implementing an interface as defined by SCTE 25-3 may respond with one of two values: [a] the transponder may return a value of zero (0), or [b] the transponder may return a value consistent with the SCTE 25-3 version that the transponder wants to make it appear it is supporting.”
“The contents of this field are vendor specific. The intent is to provide a text representation of the power supply or generator system software version. Any printable ASCII characters ca be included in this field. NULL (0x00) characters are non-printable and are used to fill any unused locations following the text data”
“The content of this field is vendor specific. The intent is to provide manufacturer and/or product specific ASCII text information that will propagate to the manager’s console verbatim. The following special characters are defined in association with this field: ‘\’ Used to cause a new line on the console display.
“When written, the appropriate corresponding command action is sent to the generator.
1 = End generator test
2 = Start generator test
3 = Reset latched generator alarms which
may be preventing a generator start This object is intentionally simplistic to allow for maximum flexibility. It IS assumed that the generator has sufficient intelligence to prevent an overcrank condition.

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