ANSI Z4.4:2016 pdf free download – In Fields and Temporary Labor Camps: Minimum Requirements

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ANSI Z4.4:2016 pdf free download – In Fields and Temporary Labor Camps: Minimum Requirements
4.2.2 Drinking water shall be kept cool and in sufficient amounts to meet employees’ needs, taking into account the air temperature, humidity and the nature of the work performed. Such water should be available for all shifts.
4.2.3 Drinking water shall be dispensed from drinking cups or by fountains. The use of common drinking cups or dippers is strictly prohibited. Where single-serve cups (to be used only once) are supplied, both a sanitary container for the unused cups and a receptacle for disposing of the used cups shall be provided. Such a receptacle shall be equipped with a cover.
4.2.4 Drinking fountains, either permanent or portable, are to follow all guidelines set in ANSI/PSAI Standard Z4.1-2016, Section 5.1 .2, for construction requirements and type, as referenced from the International Building Code and ANSI/ARI 101 0-2002 or the latest revision thereof approved by the American National Standards Institute.
4.2.5 Drinking water containers shall be kept covered and cleaned, being refilled at least once daily. Potable drinking water and containers shall be maintained in accordance with appropriate public-health sanitation practices.
4.3 Toilet and hand washing facilities Toilet and hand washing facility information throughout this standard can be referenced back to ANSI/PSAI Z4.3- 2016, For Sanitation, Non-Sewered Waste Disposal Systems: Minimum Requirements.
4.3.1 Toilet and hand washing facilities are not required for employees who perform field work for a period of 3 hours or less (including transportation time to and from the field) during the day. 4.3.2 Toilet and hand washing facilities shall be accessibly located, in close proximity to each other, and within 1 /4 mile (0.4 kilometers) of each employee’s place of work in the field. Where it is not feasible to locate facilities within the required distance due to the terrain, they shall be located at the point of closest vehicular access.
4.3.4 Waste containers shall be fabricated from nonabsorbent, watertight materials. All materials that are in contact with grey water, waste and deodorizers shall be nonabsorbent and corrosion-resistant. Waste passages shall have smooth surfaces and shall be free of obstructions, recesses or chambers that would allow fouling to occur.
4.3.5 Toilet paper with a holder fixture shall be provided for every toilet fixture. An adequate supply of toilet paper shall be maintained at all times.
4.3.6 Every toilet shall have a seat made of substantial material having a nonabsorbent finish; this does not preclude a seat molded into the fixture when a urinal is provided.
4.3.1 6 Hand washing facilities, in accordance with GAP best practices, shall be placed adjacent to and on the outside of portable restroom units, for efficiency after employee breaks, and for visual assurance that proper hygeine is being followed. Locating hand washing facilities within portable restroom units is also an accepted practice, as long as proper hand washing techniques are discussed with all employees and documented, and signage stating the requirement that employees must wash hands prior to returning to works is posted in an obvious location inside the unit. Hand wash facilities shall be equipped with a foot pump or hands- free system to deter the exchange of communicable diseases, and be equipped with their own grey water tank to prevent overfilling or accidental spillage of black water in the portable restroom tank while in transport to different locations on site.

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