AS ISO 18565:2017 pdf free download – Document management – AFP/Archive
7.1 General
This clause lists the AFP/A structured fields and their supported triplets. Triplets that are not listed but that are allowed in the general architecture shall not be specified in an AFP/A-compliant print file. Unless otherwise noted, all non-migration structured field positional parameters are supported in AFP/A. Also, unless otherwise noted, the complete architected parameter range is supported in AFP/A for all structured field positional parameters and triplets. In general, AFP/A does not include any obsolete, retired, or coexistence parameters or triplets as defined in Appendix C – M0:DCA Migration Functions; for exceptions, see Clause 9. For brevity, the tables in this clause are only intended to summarize the triplets that are allowed on a structured field; for a complete definition of how these triplets are used on a structured field and what restrictions may apply, the general architecture shall be consulted. Note that if a triplet is allowed to have 0 occurrences, it is an optional triplet. If it is allowed to have 1 or 1 or more occurrences but not 0 occurrences, it is a mandatory triplet.
The following rules apply to all AFP/A structured fields.
-The Local Date and Time Stamp (X’62’) triplet is not included in AFP/A; it is replaced by the ISO- based Universal Date and Time Stamp (X’72’) triplet and shall not be specified.
-The Presentation Space Mixing Rules (X’71’) triplet is not included in AFP/A and shall not be specified.
-The Coded Graphic Character Set Global ID (X’01’] triplet, while allowed on most structured fields in the general architecture, is only used in AFP/A on the BOC, BRS, IOB, MDR, PPO, and TLE structured fields, as noted explicitly in the following tables. Furthermore, AFP/A does not support the inheritance of the encoding scheme specified by the X’01’ triplet on these structured fields to lower- level document components. While this triplet is mandatory on the BDT in the general architecture, it is optional on the BDT in AFP/A, and if specified, shall be ignored. It shall not be specified on any other structured field. The architected default encoding for the AFP/A print file or document is EBCDIC single-byte presentation, which is characterized with encoding scheme ID X’61nn’, and which is identified with CCSID 500 [corresponding to the combination of CPGID 500 and GCSGID 697]. This default can be overridden on the BOC, BRS, IOB, MDR, PPO, TLE structured fields.
AFP/A does not include support for the inheritance by lower-level doc- ument components of the encoding scheme specified in the CGCSGID (X’01’) triplet on the BDT. While this triplet is mandatory on the BDT in the general architecture, it is optional on the BDT in AFP/A, and if| specified, shall be ignored. The architected default encoding for the document is EBCDIC single-byte presentation, which is characterized with encoding scheme ID X’61nn’, and which is identified with CCSID 500 (corresponding to the combination of CPGID 500 and GCSGID 697). This default can be overridden on those structured fields where the| X’01’ triplet is supported in AFP/A (BOC, BRS, IOB, MDR, PPO, TLE]. Note 1 A document can be made compliant both with the AFP/A encoding rules and with encoding scheme inheritance if the CGCSGID (X’01’) triplet is specified last on the BDT, and ifit specifies CCSID 500 (corresponding to the combination of CPGID 500 and GCSGID 697). Note 2 When generating documents that contain mailpieces, it is strongly recommended that each mailpiece is enveloped with BNG/ ENG, not BDT/EDT. This allows the mailpieces to be indexed properly (using page group IELs and TLEs).