AS NZS 10002:2014 pdf free download – Guidelines for complaint management in organizations
5.2.3 Equity
All complaints should be addressed in an equitable manner and in accordance with the organization’s complaint management policy. The organization’s complaint management policy should address the issue of how to manage the conduct of complainants who act unreasonably. NOTE: See Appendix E for guidance on how to identify and manage unreasonable conduct by complainants.
5.2.4 Privacy and disclosure
Personally identifiable information about any individual should only be disclosed or used in compliance with all relevant privacy laws and ethical obligations when managing a complaint.
5.2.5 Communication
To minimize complaints and facilitate early resolution, the organization should provide explanations for policies, procedures and decisions in its communication with complainants and its staff, particularly frontline staff and staff handling complaints.
5.3 Managing the parties
5.3.1 Conduct of parties
The organization should implement policies or guidelines, or both, that make clear the behaviour expected of both its staff and complainants. NOTE: See Appendix E for guidance on how to identify and manage unreasonable conduct by complainants.
5.3.2 Work health and safety
The organization should develop, adopt and implement appropriate policies, procedures and practices to ensure the health and safety of its staff involved in complaint management, including identity protection if required.
5.3.3 Complaint involving multiple parties
When a complaint involves multiple organizations consideration should be given to options for coordinating communication with the complainant. Subject to privacy and confidentiality obligations, communication and information exchange between the organizations should be pre-arranged, where practicable and appropriate, to facilitate investigation and response to a complaint. Where a complaint involves multiple areas within the organization, responsibility for communicating with the complainant should be coordinated between the areas involved.
5.3.4 Empowerment of staff
The organization should ensure that staff are properly empowered to implement its complaint management system as relevant to their role. The organization should encourage staff feedback as being a valuable source of insight into problems with the organization, its products, services or the complaint management system. NOTE: See Appendix F for guidance on the responsibilities of management, employees and complaint handling personnel.
5.4.2 Continuous improvement
Responding to and learning from complaints should be an essential part of an organization’s commitment to continual quality improvement. NOTE: See Appendix O for information on the role complaint data plays in improving organization’s processes.
5.4.3 Prevention of ongoing disputes
The organization should develop and implement systems that minimize the possibility of complaints escalating into ongoing disputes. NOTE: See Appendix G and Appendix O for guidance on how to avoid disputes arising and how to manage those that have arisen.