AS NZS ISO 6709:2011 pdf free download – Standard representation of geographic point location by coordinates

02-11-2022 comment

AS NZS ISO 6709:2011 pdf free download – Standard representation of geographic point location by coordinates.
c) Reference: 6.4.
d) Test type: basic.
Test Case ldentifier: representation of vertical position
a) Test purpose: Verify that the representation of the horizontal position conforms to the elements described in 6.5.
b) Test method: Check the requirements given in 6.5 and confirm that all the necessary information is provided in the required format and sequence.
c) Reference: 6.5.
d) Test type: basic.
A.1.2.6 Test Case ldentifier: text string representation
a) Test purpose: Verify that the text string representation conforms to the requirements of this International Standard.
b) Test method: Check the requirements given in Annex H and confirm that all the necessary information is provided in the required format and sequence.
c) Reference: 7.3.
d) Test type: basic.
It should not be assumed that decimal degrees are required at the human interface. Each user community has its own requirements for notations involving degrees, minutes and seconds, as well as various combinations of sexagesimal and decimal notations: degrees and decimal degrees; degrees, minutes and decimal minutes; degrees, minutes, seconds and decimal seconds.
The sequence of coordinates is critical. Historical conventional usage gives the latitude value before the longitude value. Users in the marine and air navigation fields, and involved with emergency response are used to seeing latitude and longitude given in this order. If a height or depth is also given, it follows longitude. Presenting coordinate values in another order has life-safety implications.
Coordinate values can be understood most easily when they are well laid out. User communities will have their own specific requirements for representation. In the absence of a user community specification, it is suggested that:
a) each coordinate in a coordinate tuple should be separated by a space;
b) the separator between the integer and fractional parts of a value shall normally be set in the user’s operating system;
c) each coordinate tuple should be on a separate line of display;
d) latitude and longitude should be given as sexagesimal degrees;
e) where minute or second value is less than 10, its value should include the leading 0;
f) degree, minute and second units should be identified with symbols:
— the recommended symbols are ° ‘ and “ (ISO/IEC 8859-1, codes 1100, 0600, and 1008 Hex, respectively);
the symbols should follow their value;
there should be no spaces between degree, minute and second values;
g) latitude hemisphere north or south should be indicated with the letter N or S, respectively (ISO/IEC 8859-1, codes 0314 and 0503 Hex, respectively);
there should be no space between the latitude value and its hemisphere indicator;
h) longitude hemisphere east or west should be indicated with the letter E or W, respectively (ISO/IEC 8859-1; codes 0405 and 0507 Hex, respectively);
there should be no space between the longitude value and its hemisphere indicator;
i) height or depth units are identified with a symbol.

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