ASME 30.9:2021 pdf free download – Slings

02-16-2022 comment

ASME 30.9:2021 pdf free download – Slings
endless sling fwire rope): a wire rope sling made endlessfrom one continuous length of cable-laid or strand-laicdrope with ends joined by one or more metallic fittings(mechanical joint)j.
eye opening: the opening in the end of a sling for the attach-ment ofthe hook,shackle, or other load-handling device orthe load itself.
fabric(metal mesh): the flexible portion of the sling exclu-sive of end fittings consisting of a series of transversespirals and cross rods.
fa bric length [metal mesh): the distance of metal meshbetween the end fittings.
fabric thickness (netal mesh): the nominal overall thick-ness of the spirals.
fabrication efficiency: the strength of the fabricated a percentage of the material strength prior to fabrica-tion.
fitting: any load-bcaring hardware used to fabricate thesling such as a swage sleeve for wire rope or a coupling linkfor alloy chain, or an end attachment such as a hook ormaster link.
flearish eye splice: a mechanical splice formed by unlayingthe wire rope body into two parts and reforming it tocreate a loop or eye.The splice is completed by pressing( swaging) a metal sleeve over the rope juncture.
grommet (wire rope J: a wire rope sling made endless fromone continuous strand ( strand-laid ) formed to make a six-strand rope with a strand core, or one continuous rope( cable-laid ] formed to make a body of six ropesaround a rope core.The strand or rope ends (as applica-ble] are hand-tucked into the body.
hand-tucked splice (wire rope and synthetic rope): a loop oreye formed in the end of a rope by tucking the ends of thestrands back into the main body of the rope in a prescribedmanner.
high tenacity fiber: fiber that has a tenacity of 15 g perdenier or higher.
hitch (hitched): a method of rigging (attaching] a slingtemporarily to a load or object for the purpose of loadhandling.
load-bearing splice (web sling): that part of a sling that islapped and secured to become an integral load-bearingpart of the sling.
locad hcanddling: the act of lifting or pulling a load from onelocation to another by using a sling as the connectorbetween the load and the load-handling equipment.loop eyee (web sling): the opening formed when a length ofwebbing is folded back upon itself and sewn to the slingbody, thereby forming a bearing point.
master coupling link: an alloy steel welded coupling linkused as an intermediate connectorto join alloy steel chainto a master link.
master link: a link used to gather the leg(s) of a sling.mechanical splice (wire rope): a splice formed by swagingone or more metal sleeves over the wire rope to form aloop or eye.
original language(s): language(s) used by the manufac-turer to develop and verify product instructions andmanual(s).
pby: a layer of load-bearing webbing used in a syntheticwebbing sling.
poured socket: a fitting into which a broomed anddegreased wire rope is inserted. The wire rope is thensecured within the socket by filling the socket bowlwith special molten metal or resin materials.
proof loadd: the specific load applied in the performance of aproof test.
proof test: a nondestructive tension test of the sling orcomponents.
qualified person: a person who. by possession of a recog-nized degree or certificate of professional standing in anapplicable field, or who, by extensive knowledge,training.and experience, has successfully demonstrated the abilityto solve or resolve problems relating to the subject matterand work.
rated load: the maximum allowable working load estab-lished by the sling manufacturer.The terms rated capacityand working load limit are commonly used to describerated load.
reach (alloy steel chain sling): see sling length.
retaurva loop: see turnback swaged eye splice (wire rope).service:
rorrraal: service that involves handling of loadls withinthe rated load.
severe: service that involves normal service coupledwith abnormal operating conditions.
special: service that involves operation, other thannormal or severe, that is identified by a qualified person.shall: a word indicating a requirement.
shock load: a momentary increase in the force applied to asling caused by the sudden movement, shifting. ararresting of a load.
short splice (synthetic rope endless sing): a splice formedby joining the two opposite rope ends by tucking thestrands into the main body of the rope in a prescribed

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