ASME A17.1:2007 pdf free download – Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators

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ASME A17.1:2007 pdf free download – Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators
A seventh edition was published in 1965 which incor-porated the rules of the Safety Code for Moving Walks,ASA A17.1.13-1962, as Part XIII, the revisions coveredby the 1963 Supplement as well as approximately 90other revisions approved by the Sectional Committee,the sponsors, and the ASA.The title of the Code wasalso changed to the American Standard Safety Code forElevators,Dumbwaiters, Escalators, and Moving Walks.On August 24,1966, the American Standards Associa-tion was reconstituted as the United States of AmericaStandards Institute. The designation of standardsapproved as American Standards was changed to USAStandards.There was no change in the index identifica-tion or the technical content of the standards. At thesame time, the ASA Sectional Committee,A17 on ASafety Code for Elevators, was changed to the USA Stan-dards Committee,A17 on A Safety Code for Elevators.Four supplements to this edition were published from1967 through 1970.
The United States of America Standards Institute laterchanged its name to American National Standards Insti-tute, Incorporated (ANSI) on October 6,1969.At thetime that the new name became effective, the designa-tion USA Standard was changed to American NationalStandard and the name of committees changed fromUSA Standards Committees to American National Stan-dards Committees. The alphabetical designation of stan-dard documents was changed from USA to ANSI.The eighth edition of the Code (1971) incorporatedthe revisions covered by the four supplements and anadditional 94 revisions.Seven supplements were issuedfrom 1972 through 1976. Part XlV covering Material Liftsand Dumbwaiters with Automatic Transfer Devices wasadded in supplement ANSI A17.1d-1975.
The ninth edition of the Code (1978) incorporated 75revisions in addition to those covered by the previoussupplements. Part xv covering Special Purpose Person-nel Elevators was added and the Reference Codes, Stan-dards, and Specifications were moved from the Prefaceto a new Part XVI. Two supplements to this edition wereissued in 1979 and 1980.
The tenth edition of the Code (1981) incorporated therevisions covered by Supplements ANSI A17.1a-1979and ANSI A17.1b-1980,as well as the following newmaterial: Part XVII, Inclined Elevators; Appendix F, Seis-mic Regulations; and Appendix G, Recommended Prac-tice for Accelerating Moving Walks. Rule 211.3 and Part v were also completely revised, with the Private Resi-dence Inclined Lifts moved to Part XVIII. Numerousother revisions and additions were also included whichwere approved since the time of the 1980 supplement.The tenth edition of the Code was approved by theA17 Standards Committee.Since that time, the commit- tee was reorganized in accordance with the ANSIAccredited Organization Method under the sponsorship of ASME. With this reorganization, the National Bureauof Standards and the American Institute of Architectsrelinquished their roles as cosecretariats. The Standards, Conference, and Executive Committees were alsorestructured as the Main Committee and the Natit-Interest Review Committee, with the Working Commit- tees (subcommittees) continuing to operate as before. This reorganization also prompted a change n tdetitle of the Code to the ANSi /ASME A17.1 Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators.The title was also shortenedfor convenience, and it should not be construed that theCode no longer covers dumbwaiters, moving walks, or the other equipment included within the Scope of theCode. Two supplements to the 1981 edition were issued: ANSI/ ASME A17.1a-1982 and ANSI/ASME51ea:1983.The 1982 supplement included a new Part XIX covering Elevators Used for Construction. In the 1983supplement, the requirements for Private ResidenceInclined Lifts in Part XvII were expanded and incorpo-rated into a new Part XXI covering Private ResidenceInclined Stairway Chairlifts and Inclined and verticalWheelchair Lifts.Part XX was added to cover these samedevices installed in buildings other than private resi-dences.Requirements for Screw Column Elevators werealso added and designated as Part XVmI. The eleventh edition of the Code (1984) incorporatedthe changes made in the 1982 and 1983 supplements, aswell as additional revisions.

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