ASME B20.1:2021 pdf free download – Safety Standard for Conveyors and Related Equipment

02-16-2022 comment

ASME B20.1:2021 pdf free download – Safety Standard for Conveyors and Related Equipment
This Standard applies to the design, construction, instal-lation,maintenance,inspection,and operation of conveyors and conveying systems in relation tohazards. The conveyors may be of the bulk material,package, or unit-handling types, where the installationis designed for permanent, temporary, or portable opera-tion.
This Standard shall apply, with the exceptions notedbelow, to all conveyor installations.
This Standard specifically excludes any conveyor designed, installed, or used primarily for the movement of people.This Standard does, however.apply to certainconveying devices that incorporate within their supporting structure workstations or operator’s stations specifically designed for authorized oneratino nsertauonsThis Standard does not apply to conveyors for which specific standards are already in effect, or to equipment such as industrial trucks, tractors.trailers. eautomaticguided vehicles, tiering machines (except pallet load tierers), cranes, hoists, power shovels, power scoops,bucket drag lines, trenchers, platform elevators designedto carry passengers or an operator, manlifts, moving walks. moving stairways (escalators),highway or railroadvehicles, cableways,tramways, dumbwaiters materiallifts,industrial scissors lifts, pneumatic conveyors,robots, or integral machine transfer devices. Some ofthe foregoing have specific standards.
The provisions of this Standard shall apply to equip-ment installed 1 yr after the date of issuance.
The following list of codes and standards have been cited as references in this Standard. Reference to themdoes not constitute inclusion of the complete text of such codes or standards as a part of this Standard.
This Safety Standard for conveyors is supplementary toany law or code covering fire or health regulations.
ANSIZ244.1-1982,Personnel Protection — Lockout/Tagout of Energy Sources —Minimum Safety Require-ments Publisher: American National Standards Institute (ANSI),25 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036 (
conveyor, chain: any type of conveyor in which one ormore chains act as the conveying medium; a British termfor trolley conveyor.
conveyor,declining: a conveyor transporting down aslope.
conveyor, electrified monorail: a conveyor consisting of anetwork of tracks or guide rails that may be installed hori-zontally, vertically, inclined, or in combination with one ormore self-propelled cars or trolleys that move indepen-dently under automatic control from one point to anotherwithin the track network, carrying material in containersor by devices suspended from or attached to the cars ortrolleys.
conveyor, en masse: a conveyor, comprised of a series ofskeleton or solid flights on an endless chain or otherlinkage, that operates in horizontal, inclined, or verticalpaths within a closely fitted casing for the carryingrun. Bulk material is conveyed and elevated in a substan-tially continuous stream with a full cross section of thecasing.
conveyor, extendable: a conveyor that may be length-ened or shortened to suit operating needs.
conveyor. flight: a type of conveyor comprised of one ormore endless propelling media,such as chain, to whichflights are attached and a trough through which materialis pushed by the flights.
conveyor. folding belt: a bulk materials trough beltconveyor that has a longitudinally grooved belt cover.These grooves allow the outer edges of the belt toform flaps.These flaps are folded over the conveyedproduct on the carry side of the conveyor enclosingthe product. The flaps are held in place on top of theproduct by containment idlers. Folding belt conveyorsenclose the conveyed material on the carrying side andcontain carryover material on the noncarrying side.
conveyor, horizontal reciprocating: a conveyor thatprogressively advances material by a back-and-forthmotion of its conveying medium. It may be equippedwith hinged flights or tilting dogs or pushers.Theseunits operate generally in the range of o deg to 30 degfrom the horizontal.
conveyor, inclined reciprocating: a reciprocating power-or gravity-actuated unit (not designed to carry passengersor an operator) that receives objects on a carrier. Theseunits operate on inclines generally in the range of30 degto70 deg from the horizontal.
conveyor,live roller: a series of rollers over whichobjects are moved by the application of power to all orsome of the rollers.The power-transmitting medium isusually belting or chain.
conveyor, material encapsulating: a bulk materialstrough belt conveyor that has a belt(s) that completelyencloses the conveyed product.

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