ASME B30.5:2012 pdf free download – Replies to Technical lnquiries November 2003 Through June 2007

02-16-2022 comment

ASME B30.5:2012 pdf free download – Replies to Technical lnquiries November 2003 Through June 2007
Background:There is a school of thought that the existence of physical characteristics in a“Types of MobileCranes” definition(Section5-0.2, Definitions) restricts/precludes a crane withoutthat physical characteristic from being included within the Scope of B30.5(Section 5-0.1). Specifi-cally, in the definitions of “wheel-mounted crane(multiple control stations)” and “wheel-mountedcrane (single control station),” and in all B30.5 volumes from 1982 to the current volume, thephrase “station(s) for driving and operating” is present.
The crane in consideration is “wheel-mounted” but is designed to be “towed”to jobsites soit does not have a “station for driving.” When all of the types of mobile and locomotive cranespresented in the volumes are considered, the mobile crane configuration closest to the crane inconsideration is the “wheel-mounted”type but it has no “driving station.”
Question (1): Does NOT having a “station for driving and operating” on a crane that is mountedon wheels and designed to be towed to a jobsite preclude that crane from being designed by themanufacturer to be within the Scope of the B30.5 volume, as defined in Section 5-0.1?
Reply (1): No. Section 5-0.1 states,”..American National Standard B30.5 applies to crawlercranes, locomotive cranes, wheel-mounted cranes, and any variations thereof that retain the samefundamental characteristics.”
Question (2): Do cranes meeting the requirements of the B30.5 Scope, Section 5-0.1, also haveto completely meet one of the published “Types of Mobile and Locomotive Cranes”definitionsfound in Section 5-0.2,Definitions, to be considered a B30.5 Mobile Crane?
Reply (2): No.Section 5-0.1 states,”Special adaptations to the general types of machines coveredby this volume, where applicable, fall under this scope.”
lnterpretation: 5-83
Subject: ASME B30.5-2004,Section 5-0.1, ScopeDate Issued: January 31,2007
Question (1): Are Mobile Self-Erector Tower Cranes included in the Scope, Section 5-0.1 of theASME B30.5-2004?
Reply (1): The ASME B30 Standards Committee does not endorse products nor determine ifa specific piece of equipment falls within a specific B30 volume. The manufacturer must determinewhich volume is applicable based on the design of the crane and the criteria included in thescope.
The scopes of the B30 Standard and the individual B30 volumes establish the characteristicsto be considered by the manufacturer when deciding the applicability of the B30 Standard anda volume to any particular lifting system.
Question (2): Are Mobile Self-Erector Tower Cranes included in the Definitions, Section 5-0.2of ASME B30.5-2004?
Reply (2): No. None of the B30 Standard volumes define or use the equipment description/title of”Mobile Self-Erector Tower Cranes.”

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