ASME B89.7.1:2016 pdf free download – Guidelines for Addressing Measurement Uncertainty in the Development and Application of ASME B89 Standards

02-19-2022 comment

ASME B89.7.1:2016 pdf free download – Guidelines for Addressing Measurement Uncertainty in the Development and Application of ASME B89 Standards
ThisTechnicalReportprovidesrecommendationsasso- ciated with addressing measurement uncertainty and direction in the application of the existing ASME B89.7 series of uncertainty-related standards and technical reports. This Technical Reportalso provides general prin- ciples and recommendations regarding measurement uncertainty and its documentation for use in the devel- opment of ASME B89 standards and technical reports. This Technical Report does not cover methods to be used in the estimation of measurement uncertainty. To achieve these objectives, this Technical Report
(a) outlines guidelines for documenting measurement uncertainty in ASME B89 standards and technical reports
(b) defines general calibration and verification testing principles, terms, and concepts for use in dimensional metrology
(c) discusses general topics associatedwithaddressing measurement uncertainty, such as operating conditions, conformance testing, decision rules, and traceability This Technical Report takes advantage ofthe technical content developed in other ASME B89.7 standards and technical reports, whenever possible. That technical content is referenced, but not repeated, in this Technical Report.
2 DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this Technical Report, the defini- tions in JCGM 200:2012 (VIM3) apply; any differences or additions are included below. When definitions from JCGM 200 are included in this Technical Report, some notes may not be shown for brevity. When notes have been added to the JCGM 200 definitions in this Technical Report, a parenthetical statement indicates the notes are specific to this Technical Report. artifact verification: provision of sufficient objective evidence that a given material measure (artifact) conforms to a specified maximum permissible error or tolerance limit. calibration:operationthat,underspecifiedconditions,ina first step, establishes a relation between the quantity values with measurement uncertainties provided by measurement standards and corresponding indications with associated measurement uncertainties and, in a second step, uses this information to establish a relation for obtaining a measurement result from an indication. (This definition is identical to JCGM 200:2012, definition 2.39, but with the notes not shown for brevity. The note below is specific to this Technical Report.) NOTE: Verificationtestsarefrequentlyusedascalibrationswhen theysatisfyboth the firstand second step in the above definition (see para. 4.4.2). decision rule: documented rule that describes how measurement uncertainty will be accounted for with regard to accepting or rejecting an item, given a specified requirement and the result ofa measurement. (This defi- nitionis identical to JCGM 106:2012, definition3.3.12. The note below is specific to this Technical Report.) NOTE: SeefurtherdiscussionofdecisionrulesinASMEB89.7.3.1. indication: quantity provided by a measuring instrument or measuring system.
instrument verification: provision of sufficient objective evidence that a given indicating measuring instrument conforms to a specified maximum permissible error or tolerance limit. maximum permissibleerror(MPE): forameasuringinstru- ment, maximum difference, permitted byspecifications or regulations, between the instrument indication and the quantity being measured. (This definition is identical to JCGM 106:2012, definition 3.3.18, but with notes not shown for brevity. The note below is specific to this Technical Report.) NOTE: A maximum permissible error is a specific type of toler- ance limit.

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