ASME CSD-1:2015 pdf free download – Controls and Safety Devices for Automatically Fired Boilers

02-19-2022 comment

ASME CSD-1:2015 pdf free download – Controls and Safety Devices for Automatically Fired Boilers
accepted: a boiler unit, equipment, or device is accepted when listed, labeled, or otherwise determined to be suit- able and safe by a nationally recognized testing agency. Field installations are accepted when approved by the authority having jurisdiction. air change: the quantity of air necessary to completely replace the air contained in the combustion chamber and associated flue passages. air shutter: an adjustable device for varying the flow of air. alarm: an audible or visible signal indicating an off-standard or abnormal condition. alarm circuit: a circuit that includes an alarm. annunciator: a device that indicates a condition, either normal or abnormal, by visual signals, audible signals, or both. approved: acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. atomizing media: a supplementary medium, such as steam or air, that assists in breaking the fuel oil into a fine spray. authorized inspection agency: the inspection agency approved by the appropriate authority of a state or municipality of the United States or a province of Canada that has adopted this Standard. AWG: American Wire Gauge. bleed line: a section of piping or tubing that conveys the release of gas from a fuel train component, which periodically releases gas pressure to the atmosphere in order to operate properly. boiler: a closed vessel in which water or other liquid is heated, steam or vapor is generated, steam or vapor is superheated
burner: a device for the introduction of fuel and air into the combustion zone at the desired velocities, turbulence, and concentration to establish and maintain ignition and combustion of the fuel (see also burner assembly). burner, atmospheric: a gas burner in which air for combus- tion is supplied by natural draft, the inspirating force being created by gas velocity through the orifices. burner, mechanical draft, atmospheric: an atmospheric gas burner including a mechanical draft device, such as a forced draft or induced draft fan to provide sufficient air for completing the combustion process. burner, natural draft type: a burner thatdepends primarily on the natural draft created in the flue to induce the air required for combustion into the burner. burner, power: a burner in which all air for combustion is supplied by a power-driven fan that overcomes the resistance through the burner. burner assembly: a burner that is factory-built as a single assembly or as two or more subassemblies that include all essential parts necessary for its normal function when installed as intended. burner tip: a termination point that directs gas into a flame of a pilot or into the combustion chamber. combined feeder/cutoff: a device that regulates makeup water to a boiler in combination with a low-water fuel cutoff. combustion: the rapid oxidation of fuel, producing heat or heat and light. combustion air: the air required for combustion of the fuel. This does not include the air used for atomization.
combustion chamber: the portion of the boiler enclosure into which the fuel is fed, ignited, and burned (also referred to as furnace or firebox). conductor: a body that may be used to conduct electric current. continuous duty: the design feature ofan electrical device, such as a motor, enabling the device to operate at the rated load for an indefinite period. control: a device designated to regulate the fuel, air, water, steam, or electrical supplyto the controlled equip- ment. It may be automatic, semiautomatic, or manual. control, operating: an automatic control, other than a safety control, to start or regulate input according to demand and to stop or regulate input on satisfaction of demand.

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