ASME HRT-1:2016 pdf free download – Rules for Hoisting, Rigging, and Transporting Equipment for Nuclear Facilities

02-19-2022 comment

ASME HRT-1:2016 pdf free download – Rules for Hoisting, Rigging, and Transporting Equipment for Nuclear Facilities
Use of permanent facility handling equipment for construction load handlingis permitted onlyifauthorized bythefacilityownerandconductedinaccordancewiththe owner’s requirements. Ifload-handlingequipmentis used during construction, when temporary use is completed, conditions of temporary use shall be evaluated to verify that the load-handling equipment continues to satisfy the specified requirements for its permanent intended use; the evaluation shall include an estimate of the number of load cycles. After construction use and priorto release forpermanentoperations, the perma- nent facility handling equipment shall be restored to its design configuration, and the facility handling equipment used forconstructionload handlingshall be inspectedand tested as specified in a procedure. The total load cycles used during construction shall be included in the fatigue evaluations for the permanent facility handling equipment. The provisions of this Standard may be used for other than construction activities, including modifications and construction activities at operating facilities, when speci- fied in contract documents. Where this Standard references the use of consensus standards, they shall include the applicable requirements of the ASME B30 safety standards; ASME BTH-1, ASME NOG-1, and ASME NUM-1, or CMAA 70 and CMAA 74; and ANSI/ASSE A10.5.
2.1 Planning and Procedures
Planning, procedures, and instructions shall contain details such as weights, sling locations, center of gravity, ground (or floor) and support loading, methods ofattachment, operating speeds, environmental conditions, and other pertinent features to be considered as necessary for safe handling. Planning shall provide for compliance with applicable federal, state, and local regulations.
4.4.1 Structural Design of Equipment. Structural design of the equipment, except as noted in (a) through (j), shall be in accordance, as applicable, with the latest accepted editions of ACI 318, AISC 325, and the AITC Timber Construction Manual.
(a) Equipment components shall be designed for the appropriate combination ofvertical and horizontal loads.
(b) The effects ofseismic activity need not be included in combination with lifting or transporting operations during construction.
(c) Winds in excess of 50 mph (80.5 km/h) normally need not be considered in combination with lifting or transporting operations as these operations are normally suspended before winds exceed 50 mph (80.5 km/h). If historical wind data indicate the likelihood ofoperations occurringduringwinds greater than 50 mph (80.5 km/h), such data shall be used as the basis ofdesign. ASCE/SEI 7 shallbeusedto determineappropriatewindloads. Ifthese forces have not been considered in design, lifting and transporting activities shall be suspended before winds reach 50 mph (80.5 km/h).
(d) Special designed equipment normally is designed for a limited number of operations. Fatigue factors shall be included where applicable.
(e) Vertical impact shall be considered in the design, and selection of loads shall be supported by analysis. In no case shall vertical impact load be less than 10% of maximum handled load, excluding test load.
(f) Longitudinal and transverse horizontal forces shall be determined by the maximum acceleration or decelera- tion that can be delivered by the complete hoisting or transporting system, the maximum grades or slide slopes encountered, maximum out-of-plumb lift, wind, and similar loads. In no case shall longitudinal or trans- verse horizontal forces be less than 2% of maximum handled load.

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