ASME NM.2:2018 pdf free download – Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin Piping Systems

02-18-2022 comment

ASME NM.2:2018 pdf free download – Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin Piping Systems
The ASME NPPS Standards specify engineering requirements deemed necessary for safe design and construction of nonmetallic pressure piping. These Standards contain mandatory requirements, specific prohibitions, and nonmanda- toryguidance forconstruction activities. These Standards do notaddress all aspects ofthese activities, and those aspects thatare notspecificallyaddressed should notbe considered prohibited. While safetyis the overridingconsideration, this factor alone will not necessarily govern the final specifications for any piping installation. With few exceptions, the requirements do not, of practical necessity, reflect the likelihood and consequences of deterioration in service related to specific service fluids or external operating environments. These Standards are not design handbooks. Manydecisions thatmustbe made to produce a safe pipinginstallation are notspecified in detail within these Standards. These Standards do notserve as substitutes for sound engineering judgmentby the owner and the designer. The phrase engineering judgmentrefers to technical judgments made by knowledgeable designers experienced in the application of these Standards. Engineeringjudgments mustbe consistentwith the philosophyofthese Standards, and such judgments must never be used to overrule mandatory requirements or specific prohibitions of these Standards. To the greatest possible extent, Standard requirements for design are stated in terms ofbasic design principles and formulas. These are supplemented as necessary with specific requirements to ensure uniform application ofprinciples and to guide selection and application ofpiping elements. These Standards prohibit designs and practices known to be unsafe and contain warnings where caution, but not prohibition, is warranted.
TheseStandardsgenerallyspecifyasimplifiedapproachformanyoftheirrequirements.Adesignermaychoosetousea more rigorous analysis to develop design and construction requirements. When the designer decides to take this approach, he or she shall provide to the owner details and calculations demonstrating that design, fabrication, exam- ination, inspection, testing, and overpressure protection are consistentwith the criteriaofthese Standards. These details shallbeadequateforthe ownerto verifythevalidityoftheapproachandshallbeapprovedbytheowner. Thedetails shall be documented in the engineering design. The designer is responsible for complying with requirements ofthese Standards and demonstrating compliance with the equations ofthese Standards when such equations are mandatory. These Standards neither require nor prohibitthe use ofcomputers forthe design oranalysis ofcomponents constructed to the requirements ofthese Standards. However, designers and engineers using computer programs for design or analysis are cautioned that they are responsible for all technical assumptions inherent in the programs they use and for the application of these programs to their design. These Standards do not fully address tolerances. When dimensions, sizes, or other parameters are not specified with tolerances, the values ofthese parameters are considered nominal, and allowable tolerances or local variances may be considered acceptable when based on engineering judgment and standard practices as determined by the designer. Suggested requirements ofgood practice are provided for the care and inspection ofin-service nonmetallic pressure piping systems only as an aid to owners and their inspectors.
It is intended that editions of the ASME NPPS Standards not be retroactive. Unless agreement is specifically made betweencontractingparties to use anotheredition, orthe regulatorybodyhavingjurisdiction imposes the use ofanother edition,thelatesteditionissuedatleast6monthspriortotheoriginalcontractdateforthefirstphaseofactivitycoveringa piping installation shall be the governing document for all design, materials, fabrication, erection, examination, inspec- tion, testing, and overpressure protection for the pipinguntil the completion ofthe workand initial operation. Revisions to material specifications included in ASME NM.3.1 and ASME NM.3.2 are originated by ASTM and other recognized national or international organizations, and are usually adopted by ASME. However, those revisions do not necessarily indicate that materials produced to earlier editions ofspecifications are no longer suitable for ASME construction. Both ASME NM.3.1 and ASME NM.3.2 include a Mandatory Appendix, “Guideline on Acceptable ASTM Editions,” that lists the latestedition ofmaterial specifications adopted byASME as well as othereditions considered byASME to be identical for ASME construction.

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