ASME PTC 13:2018 pdf free download – Wire-to-Air Performance Test Code for Blower Systems

02-18-2022 comment

ASME PTC 13:2018 pdf free download – Wire-to-Air Performance Test Code for Blower Systems
Theuncertaintiesofblowerpackagetestresultsdepend on features of the installation and on parameters of the performance test such as the instruments selected, their locations, and the numberand frequencyofreadings. This Code requires an agreementbetween parties for a pretest and/or a post-test uncertainty analysis. The pretest anal- ysisisrequiredtoeffectivelyplanthetest. Itallowscorrec- tive action to be taken prior to the test, either to decrease theuncertaintyto alevelconsistentwiththeoverallobjec- tive ofthe test or to reduce the cost ofthe test while still attaining the objective. The post-testuncertainty analysis shallbeusedtodeterminetheuncertaintyintervalsforthe actual test. This analysis should confirm the pretest systematic and random uncertainty estimates. It serves either to validate the quality of the test results or to expose problems. For a blower package, the following independent items shall be the typical uncertainties when a testis performed in accordance with this Code:
The following publications are referenced in this Code, both in general and in specific sections. For references to specific sections, see the editions ofthe referenced codes in effect at the time ofpublication ofthis Code. The latest edition of codes, if different from those indicated, super- sedethese editions andshouldbe usedfordefiningtesting requirements. In case ofdiscrepancies between this Code and the referenced codes, the latest edition of the refer- enced codes shall take precedence unless specifically stated otherwise.
ambientpressure: the absolute pressure ofthe ambientair measured in the vicinityofthe blower inletand measured at the stagnation condition. This will equal barometric pressure under typical conditions. ambient temperature: the temperature ofthe ambient air in the vicinity of the blower, but unaffected by it. apparentpower:thevectorsumofreactiveandrealpower. Itis the square rootofthe sum ofthe squares ofthe active and reactive powers; it is expressed in kilovolt-amperes (kVA). base reference conditions: the values of all the external parameters, i.e., parameters outside the test boundary to which the test results are corrected. blower package: defined by the limits of the scope of supply as specified in the overall project contractual agreement pertaining to the blower installation. This shall include all deliverable components to form an opera- tional machine, including but not limited to inlet, discharge, and all power devices that affect power consumption. See also packaged blower. calibration: the process of comparing the response of an instrumentto a standard instrumentover some measure- ment range and adjusting the instrument to match the standard if appropriate. choke flow: the pointwhere a dynamic machine is run ata givenspeedandtheflowisincreaseduntilmaximumvolu- metric flow rate is attained and the pressure/volumetric flow rate curve appears nearly vertical. Also called the “stonewall point,” furtherattempts to increase volumetric flow rate result in a negligible change.
control volume: a region of space selected for analysis where the flow streams entering and leaving, as well as the power input and heat exchange by conduction, convection, and radiation, can be quantitatively defined. Such a region can be considered to be in equilib- rium for both mass and energy balance.
absolute pressure: the pressure measured above a perfect vacuum. absolute temperature: the temperature measured above absolute zero. It is stated in degrees Rankine or kelvin. The Rankine temperature is the Fahrenheit temperature plus 459.67 and the Kelvin temperature is the Celsius temperature plus 273.15. acceptance test: a performance test carried out in accor- dance with this Code to determine if a new or modified piece of equipment satisfactorily meets its performance criteria, permitting the purchaser to “accept” it from the supplier. accuracy:thecloseness ofagreementbetweenameasured value and the true value.

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