ASME PTC 40:2017 pdf free download – Flue Gas Desulfurization Units

02-19-2022 comment

ASME PTC 40:2017 pdf free download – Flue Gas Desulfurization Units
additive:substanceaddedtoaliquidorgasstreamtocause a chemical or physical reaction to enhance the SO 2 sorp- tion process; generally, the additive is not consumed as part of the absorption reaction. Other substances can be added and shouldbe recorded, butforthe purposes ofthis Code, only those mentioned in subsection 1-2 are being addressed. alkalinity: capacity of an alkaline material to neutralize SO 2 . alkalinity, reactive: alkalinity determined by acid titration andexpressedasmolesofalkalipermoleofSO 2 (absorbed or inlet). alkalinity, total: theoretical expression ofalkalinity deter- mined from a chemical analysis of the material. by-product: material generated bythe removal ofSO 2 with the FGD system that has commercial value. consumption, compressed air: compressed air consumed by the FGD system. consumption, energy/power: compilation of all energy/ power inputs to the FGD system. consumption, water: water added to the FGD system. effluent: stream exiting the FGD system, whether solid, liquid, or gas (except treated flue gas). emission rate (E SO2 ): mass rate at which SO 2 is emitted. entrainment: suspension ofliquid droplets in the flue gas stream. flue gas: gaseous products of combustion. flue gas desulfurization (FGD) system: the process and equipment employed to remove sulfur oxides from flue gas or other sulfur-oxide-laden gas stream. The system may include process or equipment required for the conversion of the sulfur oxides to an essentially nonvo- latile sulfur species for disposal or other use. The to- be-treated gas stream or streams are typically generated bythecombustionoffossilfuels,butmayincludeothergas streams (e.g., from smelting processes). The definition of FGD system in this Code does not address the removal of sulfur oxides from gases directly during the combustion process.
grit: impurities in as-received calcined lime, e.g., uncal- cined carbonate, hard-burned lime, insoluble silicates, aluminates, sulfates, and ferrites, that were in the lime- stone before it was calcined. Grit may also include some external impurities, e.g., refractory brick pieces and tramp iron. L/G ratio: liquid-to-gas ratio is defined as the volumetric flow rate ofreagent-laden liquid per volumetric flow rate offlue gas. Flue gas volume is typicallybased on saturated gas flow. liquor: solution of liquid and dissolved solids. purge stream: process stream that exits the FGD system and is considered partofwaste streams. Itis controlled to maintain FGD system operating parameters and chem- istry within a certain value. reagent: anychemical compound, usuallyanalkali, usedin the FGD system eitherto remove SO 2 bychemical reaction or to regenerate another chemical compound. reagent liquor/slurry: medium by which one or more reagents are added to an FGD system process. reheat:heat-additionprocess bywhichthetemperatureof the outlet flue gas (stack gas) from the absorber is increased. removalefficiency(%R):ratio ofremovedSO 2 to inputSO 2 , expressed in percent. run:asusedthroughoutthisCode,asubdivisionofthetest. A run consists of a complete set of observations and recorded data taken at regular intervals, made for a period oftime with the independentvariables maintained constant within the variations permitted by the parties to the test. slurry: mixture of liquid and suspended solids. standard conditions (S): defined as 20°C (68°F) for temperature and 760 mm Hg (29.92 in. Hg) for atmo- spheric pressure. steadystate: condition ofthe system when transients (e.g., pressure, temperature, concentration, and flow rate) in the system have dampened outand the system is in chem- ical and thermodynamic equilibrium.

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