ASME PTC 47.1:2017 pdf free download – Cryogenic Air Separation Unit of an Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Power Plant

02-19-2022 comment

ASME PTC 47.1:2017 pdf free download – Cryogenic Air Separation Unit of an Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Power Plant
In addition to the definitions in ASME PTC 47, subsection 2-1, the following definitions specific to ASUs apply: additive: a substance added to a process to cause a chemical or mechanical reaction. air compressor: see booster air compressor or main air compressor (MAC). air-integratedairseparation unit:anairseparationprocess unitthatreceives all orapartofthe ASUair-feedrequirement from asource external to the ASU block. Anexample is extractionofaportion ofthe compressedairfromagas turbine for supply to the ASU. air pretreatment: the removal ofwater, carbon dioxide, and some hydrocarbon contaminants from the compressed air stream prior to processing in the cryogenic sections ofthe ASU. Pretreatment is usually based on a cyclical adsorption/ desorption-based (molecular sieve–based), near-ambient-temperature process using heated dry nitrogen produced by the ASU for regeneration of the adsorbent. airseparation unit(ASU): aprocess unitthatseparates air-feed source(s) into primarygaseous productstreams enriched in oxygen and/or nitrogen. Secondary product streams enriched in argon or liquid streams may also be produced. ASUeffectiveness: the netpowerconsumed within the ASU testboundarydivided bythe total flowofpressurized product streams exiting the ASU test boundary. auxiliary load: an electrical load within the ASU that is not consumed in the compression of air or product streams. Examples include cooling tower, pumps, mechanical chilling equipment, and power-producing expansion equipment. booster air compressor: a compressor that takes a pressurized air stream as feed and compresses it to the operating pressure of the ASU. The compressor may supply all or a part of the air requirement of the ASU. cold box: an enclosure containing cryogenic equipment that is part of the ASU. main aircompressor(MAC):acompressororseries ofcompressors thattakes ambientairas feedand compresses itto the operating pressure of the ASU.
acceptance test: the evaluating action(s) to determine if a new or modified piece of equipment satisfactorily meets its performance criteria, permitting the purchaser to “accept” it from the supplier. accuracy: the closeness of agreement between a measured value and the true value. basereferenceconditions:thevalues ofalltheexternal parameters,i.e.,parameters outsidethetestboundaryto whichthe test results are corrected. bias error: see systematic error, β. calibration: the process ofcomparingthe response ofan instrumentto thatofastandard instrumentoversome measure- ment range and adjusting the instrument to match the standard, if appropriate. influence coefficient: the ratio of the change in a result to a unit change in a parameter. instrument: atoolordevice usedto measurephysical dimensions oflength, thickness, width, weight, oranyothervalue of a variable. These variables may include size, weight, pressure, temperature, fluid flow, voltage, electric current, density, viscosity, andpower. Sensorsareincludedthatmaynot, bythemselves, incorporateadisplaybutinsteadtransmitsignals to remote devices for display, processing, or process control. Also included are items of ancillary equipment (e.g., an ammeter shunt) directly affecting the display of the primary instrument, and tools or fixtures used as the basis for determining part acceptability. losses: energy other than the defined exit streams that exits the test boundary. measurement error, δ: the true, unknown difference between the measured value and the true value. parties to a test: those persons and companies interested in the results of a test. precision: see random error, ε. primaryvariables: those variables used in calculations oftestresults. Primary variables are further classified as follows: Class 1 primary variables: those variables that have a relative influence coefficient of 0.2 or greater.

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