ASME PTC 53:2018 pdf free download – Mechanical and Thermal Energy Storage Systems

02-18-2022 comment

ASME PTC 53:2018 pdf free download – Mechanical and Thermal Energy Storage Systems
3-1.4.2 Data Records and Test Log. For all acceptance and other official tests, a complete set ofdata and a complete copy of the test log shall become the property of each of the parties to the test. As the only evidence of actual test conditions, the original log; data sheets, files, and disks; recorder charts; tapes; etc., shall permitclear and legible repro- duction. Copying by hand is not permitted. The completed data records shall include the date and time of day the observations were recorded. The observations shall be the actual readings withoutapplication ofanyinstrumentcorrec- tions. The test log should constitute a complete record of events including details that at the time may seem trivial or irrelevant. Erasures, destruction, or deletion of any data record, page of the test log, or recorded observation is not permitted. Ifany corrections are made, the alteration shall be entered so that the original entry remains legible and an explanation for the change is included. For manual data collection, the test observations shall be entered on carefully prepared forms that constitute original data sheets authenticated by the observers’ signatures. For automatic data collection, printed output or electronic files shall be authenticated by the test coordinator and other representatives of the parties to the test.
3-1.4.3 Analysis and Interpretation. Duringthe conductofa test, orduringthe subsequentanalysis orinterpretation oftheobserveddata,anobviousinconsistencymaybefound.If so,reasonableeffortshouldbemadetoadjustoreliminate the inconsistency. Failing this, test runs should be repeated.
The test boundary identifies the energy streams that must be measured to calculate corrected results. The test boundary is an accounting concept used to define the streams that must be measured to determine performance.
All input and output energy streams required for test calculations shall be determined with reference to the point at which they cross the boundary. Energy streams within the boundary need not be determined unless they verify base operating conditions, facilitate determination of the state of charge, or relate functionally to conditionsoutside the boundary.
The methods and procedures ofthis Code have been developed to provide flexibilityin definingthe testboundaryfora test. The test boundary is to be defined for the specific test objective.
Forthis Code to apply, the testboundarymustencompass a discrete ESS. This means thatall energystreams thatcross the boundary shall be accounted for.
For a particular test, the specific testboundary shall be established by the parties to the test. Some or all ofthe typical streams required for common ESS are shown in Figure 3-1.5-1.
Some flexibility is required by this Code in defining the test boundary, since it is somewhatdependenton a particular ESS design. This Code does not exclude the use of the ESS instrumentation and distributed control system (DCS) for recording primary measurements; however, such use requires extra care. Factory calibration ofinstrumentation gener- allyisnottothestandardrequiredbythisCodeforperformancetesting.Additionally,theDCSisnotdesignedtobeusedas a Code-level data acquisition system. Ifthe DCS is to be used, the testteam mustunderstand the compression (numberof significant figures recorded) and dead band settings within the DCS or data history, the uncertainty ofanalog-to-digital conversions, and any algorithms that impact the readings and their effect on uncertainty within the DCS.

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