ASME Y14.24:2012 pdf free download – Types and Applications of Engineering Drawings

02-16-2022 comment

ASME Y14.24:2012 pdf free download – Types and Applications of Engineering Drawings
1.3.2 Formats.Formats (e-g.,manual and digital,single or multisheet, drawing in book form, and com-puter printout) are concerns of this Standard only to theextent that the drawing satisfies its intended purpose.Formats shall be in accordance with ASME Y14.1.
1.4 Structure of Drawing Text
Textual information on drawings may be in numberednote form or in a format that uses section headings,numbered paragraphs, and subparagraphs groupedaccording to subject matter. See figures for examples.1.5 Application Guidelines
Application guidelines are intended to aid in under-standing the conditions under which specific types ofdrawings may be prepared. It is not intended that anyapplication guideline imply that preparation of specificdrawing types is always required.
1.6 Drawing Content
Requirements may be satisfied by direct delineationon the drawing or by reference to other documents thatare a part of the drawing package.Such documents areinvoked in individual drawings either by reference inthe general notes,in the using assembly parts list,orboth. Parts lists shall be in accordance withASME Y14.34.
1.7 Tabulation
Any drawing type may be tabulated, as applicable,to delineate similar items that as a group have somecommon characteristics and some variable features.
1.7.1 Application Guidelines.Tabulated drawingsare prepared to avoid preparation of individual draw-ings for each similar item tabulated. Each item includedin the tabulation shall have a Part or Identifying Number(PIN) assigned.
1.7.2 Requirements.The differences,i.e., the vari-ables,between the items defined by the drawing aretabulated.The common characteristics are delineatedor stated once. Each individual item is identified by aPIN. Normally, a single pictorial representation isshown. For example, variable dimensions are coded byletters used as headings for columns in a tabulationblock. Variables are entered in the table under the appro-priate heading and on the same line as the relevantPIN. Alternate methods may be used to correlate thevariations in characteristics to the individual items.Thedescription for each tabulated item is as complete asthat of an individual item described on thespecific draw-ing type.
1.8 Combination of Drawing Types
The characteristics of more than one drawing typemay be combined into a single drawing provided theresulting combination includes the data required by eachof the individual types. For example, a modification kitdrawing combines a description of the modification andthe kit of items needed to accomplish the modification.NOTE:The decision to combine drawings should be made cau-tiously. Combining drawing types should result in a significantadvantage versus not combining and having separate drawings.Advantages of combining drawings should outweigh any potentialdisadvantages. Potential disadvantages resulting from combiningdrawings include
(a)increased complexity of the drawing, which may diminishclarity and usefulness
(b) frequent change activity to the drawing , which may increasethe need to update associated record(s),material control data,manufacturing planning, microfilm, etc.
1.9 Ancillary Drawings
Ancillary drawings may be prepared to supplementend product drawings.Ancillary drawings may berequired for management control, logistics purposes,configuration management, and other similar functionsunique to a design activity. Ancillary drawings do notestablish item identification. Inclusion of data in anancillary drawing does not eliminate the need to prepareappropriate drawing types, including the applicabledata as defined in this Standard.
1.10 Drawing Hierarchy
Based on the product structure of an item, the differenttypes of drawings required may be prepared at any levelof the drawing tree.See section 16.

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