ASME Y14.37:2019 pdf free download – Product Definition for Composite Parts

02-16-2022 comment

ASME Y14.37:2019 pdf free download – Product Definition for Composite Parts
1.6 Notes
Notes depicted in this Standard in ALL UPPERCASEletters are intended to reflect actualdata set entries.Notes depictedin initial uppercase or lowercase letters are to be considered supporting data to the contents of this Standard and are notintended for literal entry in data set. A statement requiring the addition of a note with the qualifier “such as” is arequirement to add a note, and the content of the note is allowed to vary to suit the application.
1.7 Acronyms and Abbreviations
Acronyms and abbreviations are spelled out the first time used in this Standard,followed by the acronym or abbrevia-tion in parentheses. The acronym is used thereafter throughout the text.
1.8 Units
The International System of Units (Sl) is featured in this Standard. lt should be understood that U.S.Customary unitscould equally have been used without prejudice to the principles established.
1.9 Figures
The figures in this Standard are intended only as illustrations to aid the user in understanding the practices described inthe text. In some cases, figures show a level of detail as needed for emphasis. In other cases,figures are incomplete byintent so as to illustrate a concept or facet thereof.The absence offigure(s) has no bearing on the applicability of the statedrequirements or practice.To comply with the requirements of this Standard, actual data sets shall meet the contentrequirements set forth in the text. To assist the user of this Standard, a listing of the paragraph(s) that refer to anillustration appears in the lower right-hand corner of each figure. This listing may not be all inclusive. Theabsence of a listing is not a reason to assume inapplicability.Some figures are illustrations of models in a three-dimen-sional environment. The absence of dimensioning and tolerancing annotations in a view may indicate that the productdefinition is defined in three dimensions. Dimensions that locate or orient and are not shown are considered basic andshall be queried to determine the intended requirement. When the letter “h” is used in figures for letter heights or forsymbol proportions, select the applicable letter height in accordance with ASME Y14.2.Multiview drawings containedwithin figures are third-angle projection.
6.1.1 Ply Orientation SymboL. See Nonmandatory Appendix A for recommended dimensions and proportions. Therequirements for a ply orientation symbol are as follows:
(a) The origin of the ply orientation symbol shall be defined by the intersection of the 0° axis and the orientationvectors of the symbol and shall be coincident with the origin of the associated ply orientation coordinate system.
(b) The 0° axis and orientation vectors, either positive, negative, or both, shall be presented.See Figure 7-1.
(c) For parts defined using classification code 2, 3, and 5 per Y14.100, the 0° axis and orientation vectors shall bealigned to a coordinate system,such that the O° axis is aligned to the Xdirection vector of the coordinatesystem and the90°axis is aligned to the Y direction vector of the coordinate system.
(d) When more than one ply orientation is required, annotations or attributes shall be used to differentiate the plyorientation symbols. See Figure 7-2.
(e) Each ply orientation symbol should have an associated ply orientation transformation type. See para. Ply Orientation Query at Local Seed Point. Unless otherwise noted below, the queried direction of the reinfor-cing fibers at a local seed point(L.e, any location inside an edge of ply) shall be determined by thespecified ply orientationof the ply and application of the ply orientation transformation type (see paras. through associated to theply orientation symbol associated to the ply.

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