ASME Y14.46:2017 pdf free download – Product Definition for Additive Manufacturing

02-19-2022 comment

ASME Y14.46:2017 pdf free download – Product Definition for Additive Manufacturing
buildsurface (ISO/ASTM52900 1 ): area where material is added, normallyon the lastdeposited layer, which becomes the foundationuponwhichthenextlayerisformed.Discussion: Forthefirstlayer,thebuildsurfaceisoftenthebuildplatform. build volume (ISO/ASTM 52900 1 ): total usable volume available in the machine for building parts. complex geometry: combines features that cannot easily be characterized by concise equations or algorithms (e.g., nonlinear, nonrepeating, random, etc.). coordinate system (ASME Y14.41): a representation of a Cartesian coordinate system in a product definition data set. datum (ASME Y14.5): a theoretically exact point, axis, line, plane, or combination thereof derived from the theoretical datum feature simulator. datum feature (ASME Y14.5): a feature that is identified with either a datum feature symbol or a datum target symbol. end product (end item) (ASME Y14.24): an item, such as an individual part or assembly, in its final or completed state. free zone: a type ofbounded volume region that encloses the entire part and in which other parts cannot be located or intersected. gradient control: specifies, with tolerance, how physical characteristics are varied spatially (e.g., changes in material composition, color, density, porosity, or unit cell size). lattice structures(ISO/ASTM52900 1 ): three dimensional geometric arrangementcomposed ofconnective links between vertices (points) creating a functional structure. nesting (ISO/ASTM 52900 1 ): situation when parts are made in one build cycle and are located such that their bounding boxes, arbitrarily oriented or otherwise, will overlap. part(ASMEY14.100): one item, ortwo ormore items joined together, thatis notnormallysubjectto disassemblywithout destruction or impairment of designed use, e.g., transistor, composition resistor, screw, transformer, and gear. product data package type: a specific product definition data set that defines a particular stage of manufacturing and conformance to specification. product definition data (ASME Y14.41)
productdefinition data set(ASMEY14.41): a collection ofone ormore data files thatdiscloses, directlyorbyreference, by means ofgraphic or textual presentations or combinations ofboth, the physical or functional requirements ofan item. roughness(ASMEB46.1): the finerspaced irregularities ofthe surface texture thatusuallyresultfrom the inherentaction ofthe production process ormaterial condition. These mightbe characteristic marks leftbythe processes listed in ASME B46.1, Nonmandatory Appendix B, Figure B-1. support (ISO/ASTM 52900 1 ): structure separate from the part geometry that is created in order to provide a base and anchor for the part during the building process. surfacetexture(ASMEB46.1):thecomposite ofcertaindeviations thataretypical oftherealsurface. Itincludes roughness and waviness. testcoupon (ASTMA1067): a testspecimen defined bya standard, produced for the purpose ofobtainingtestresults that comply with the requirements of the applicable product standard, sometimes built at the same time as the part for additive manufacturing processes. theoretical supplemental surface: supplemental geometry, explicitly defined in the design model and similar to true profile, that may be used to control the form, size, orientation, or location of a functional collection of points, lines, surfaces, or any combination thereof. track path: the path through space that an AM tool follows on its way to producing the desired geometry of the layer. transition region: a specific type of bounded region where gradient control applies. waviness (ASME B46.1): the more widely spaced component of the surface texture. Waviness may be caused by such factors as machine orworkpiece deflections, vibration, and chatter. Roughness maybe considered as superimposed on a wavy surface. Other terms related to AM, general product definition practices, and tolerances not defined in this Standard can be found in ASME Y14.5, ASME Y14.41, ISO/ASTM 52900, and ISO/ASTM 52921.

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