ASME Y14.5.1:2019 pdf free download – Mathematical Definition of Dimensioning and Tolerancing Principles

02-16-2022 comment

ASME Y14.5.1:2019 pdf free download – Mathematical Definition of Dimensioning and Tolerancing Principles
1.2.4 Parentheses Following a Definition
When a definition is followed by a standard referencedin parentheses, the standard referenced in parentheses isthe source for the definition.
1.2.5 Notes
Notes depicted in this Standard in ALL UPPERCASEletters are intended to reflect actual drawing entries.Notes depicted in initial uppercase or lowercase lettersare to be considered supporting data to the contents ofthis Standard and are not intended for literal entry ondrawings.A statement requiring the addition of a notewith the qualifier “such as” is a requirement to add anote, and the content of the note is allowed to vary tosuit the application.
1.2.6 Acronyms and Abbreviations
Acronyms and abbreviations are spelled out the firsttime used in this Standard, followed by the acronym orabbreviation in parentheses.The acronym is used there-after throughout the text.
1.2.7 Units
The International System of Units (Sl) is featured in thisStandard. It should be understood that U.s. Customaryunits could equally have been used without prejudiceto the principles established.
1.2.8 Figures
The figures in this Standard are intended only as illus-trations to aid the user in understanding the practicesdescribed in the text. In some cases, figures show alevel of detail as needed for emphasis. In other cases,figures are incomplete by intent so as to illustrate aconcept or facet thereof. The absence of figure(s) hasno bearing on the applicability of the stated requirementsor practice.To comply with the requirements of this Stan-dard, actual data sets shall meet the content requirementsset forth in the text.To assist the user of this Standard, thedesignated paragraph(s) in which an illustration is refer-enced appears in the lower right-hand corner of eachfigure.This reference may not be all-inclusive.Theabsence of a paragraph reference is not a reason toassume inapplicability. Some figures are illustrations ofmodels in a three-dimensional environment. Theabsence of dimensioning and tolerancing annotationsin a view may indicate that the product definition isdefined in 3D. Dimensions that locate or orient and arenot shown are considered basic and shall be queriedto determine the intended requirement. when theletter “h” is used in figures for letter heights or for symbol proportions, select the applicable letter heightin accordance with ASME Y14.2.Multiview drawingscontained within figures are third-angle projection.
These symbols may be subscripted to distinguishbetween distinct quantities. such subscripts do notchange the nature of the designated quantity.
Technically, there is a difference between a vector and avector with location.Generally in this Standard, vectors donot have location. In particular, direction vectors, whichare often defined for specific points on curves or surfaces,are functions of location on the geometry, but are notlocated at those points. (Another conventional view isthat all vectors are located at the origin.) Throughoutthis Standard, vectors are used to denote points inspace. While there is a technical difference between avector and a point in space, the equivalence used inthis Standard should not cause confusion.

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