ASME Y14.5.2:2017 pdf free download – Certification of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Professionals

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ASME Y14.5.2:2017 pdf free download – Certification of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Professionals
2.1.2 Technologist Level (ASME Y14.5-2009Examination). Certification indicates that the individualhas demonstrated competencies in reading and inter-preting an engineering drawing that conforms to ASMEY14.5-2009.These include, but are not limited to, thefollowing:
(a) understanding the rules, definitions, principles,andmeanings ofthe symbols and modifiers of GD&T as appliedto engineering drawings and related documentation
(b) understanding the functions and relationships ofpart features and geometric controls
(c) performing calculations associated with GD&Tderived from the drawing and related documentation(d) understanding that the application of GD&T hasimplications for manufacturing. quality control, and veri-fication processes associated with engineering drawingsand related documentation
(e) applying the principles of GD&T to the establish-ment of functional gaging activities
2.1.3 Senior Level (ASME Y14.5M-1994 Examination).Certification indicates that the individual has demon-strated competencies in application of the rules and prin-ciples required to generate an engineering drawing thatconforms to ASME Y14.5M-1994.These include, but arenot limited to, the following:
(a) understanding the meaning of the symbols, modi-fiers,and relationships of GD&T as applied to engineeringdrawings and related documentation that conform toASME Y14.5M-1994
(b) making the proper selection, with consideration forthe function and relationship of part features, of geometriccontrols to document the product design intent
(c) applying the appropriate geometric controlsymbols, modifiers, and datum references to the engi-neering drawings and related documentation
(d) applyingthe principles ofGD&T to the operations ofmanufacturing. quality control,and verification processesassociated with engineering drawings and relateddocumentation
(e) applying the principles of GD&T to the establish-ment of functional gaging activities
2.1.4 Senior Level (ASME Y14.5-2009 Examination).Certification indicates that the individual has demon-strated competencies in the application of the rulesand principles required to generate an engineering drawing that conforms to ASME Y14.5-2009.Theseinclude, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) understanding the rules, definitions,principles,andmeanings of the symbols and modifiers of GD&T as appliedto engineering drawings and related documentation
(b) making the proper selection with consideration forthe function and relationship of part features andgeometric controls, to document the product design intent
(c) performing calculations associated with GD&T todetermine the geometric requirements
(d) applying the appropriate geometric controlsymbols, modifiers, and datum references to the engi-neering drawings and related documentation
(e) applying the principles of GD&T to the operations ofmanufacturing. quality control, and verification processesassociated with engineering drawings and relateddocumentation applying the principles of GD&T to the establish-ment of functional gaging activities
3.2 Senior Level Examination
The Senior level examination is a maximum of 6 hr induration, consisting of 150 questions.The examination is aclosed-book,multiple-choice, written examination. TheSenior level examination emphasizes knowledge, selec-tion, and application of the dimensioning and tolerancingprinciples, concepts,and practices contained in ASMEY14.5M-1994 or ASMEY14.5-2009, including appendices.The topics for ASME Y14.5M-1994 certification aredefined in Mandatory Appendix B, and those for ASME14.5-2009 certification are defined in MandatoryAppendix D.The approximate distribution of questionsis as follows:
(a) ASME Y14.5M-1994 Examination
(1) 10% on topics from the Technologist level bodyof knowledge (see Mandatory Appendix A)
(2) 20% on datum selection
(3) 40% on geometric tolerancing and related prin-ciples, tolerance calculation, and ASME Y14.5M-1994Appendices
(4)15%on application of modifiers in featurecontrol frames
(5) 15% on composite tolerancing
For the ASME Y14.5M-1994 examination, a candidatemust achieve an overall grade of at least 80%andscore at least 50% in each of the preceding categories.

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