ASTM-A182/A182M:2021 pdf free download – Standard Specification for Forged or Rolled Alloy and Stainless Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for High-Temperature Service

02-22-2022 comment

ASTM-A182/A182M:2021 pdf free download – Standard Specification for Forged or Rolled Alloy and Stainless Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for High-Temperature Service.
13.2 Hollow forgings of (irades F 91 Types I and 2. F 92. F 115. F 122. and F 911. NPS 4 IDIN 1001 and larger. whose linished internal surfaces are accessible hi magnetic particle or liquid penetrant examination, shall he examined on their internal surfaces by either a iiiagnetic particle test in accor— dmce with Practice A275/A275M. or by a liquid pelietrant exaIiiiiiaIiun in accordance with Test Niethod El 65/E I 65M. as applicable, after all heat treatment. machining, and other mechanical processing operations are completed.
13.3 Time of Examinaiion—Examination by one oF the methods in 1 3. 1 or 1 3.2, for specification acceptance, shall he performed as specitied in 13.1 or 13.2. This requirement does not preclude additional testing at earlier stages in the process— ing.
13.4. 1 Forgings producing a signal equal to or greater than the lowest signal produced by the refei-ence discontinuities shall be enhitled and separated from the acceptable forgings. The area producing the signal be reexamined.
13.4.2 Such t’orgings shall be rejected the test signals were produced by imperfections that cannot he identi lied or were prodticed by cracks or crack-like imperfections. Such lorgings may be repaired. To be accepted. a repaired forging shall pass the same nondestructive test 1w which it was rejected. and it shall meet the minimum wall thickness requirements of this specitication and the purchase order.
13.4.3 If the test signals were produced b visual imperflclions such as scratches, surface rouhness. dm25, toolin$ marks. cutting chips. steel die stamps. or stop marks. the forging is permitted to he accepted based upon visual examination provided that the depth of the imperfection is less than 0.004 in. [0.1 mml or 12.5 of the specilled wall hicknes. whichever is the greater.]
13.5 Treatment of impeilections Found by Magnetic Par— tick or Liquid Pcierwit Eia,ninaiion:
13.5.1 Defects shall he completely removed prior to weld repair by chipping or grinding to sound metal. Removal of these defects shall he verified by magnetic particle inspection in accordance with Test Method A275/A275M or by liquid
e11etraJ1I inspection in accordance with Test Method El 65/ El 65M.
13.5.2 Rejected forgings may be reconditioned and retested.
provided that the wall thickness is not decreased to less than that required tn this specilication and the purc[iase order. The outside diameter at the point of grinding may he reduced hy the amount so removed. To he accepted. retested forgings shall meet ihe test requirement.
13.5.3 If the imperfection is explored to the exteni that it can be idcinilied as non-rejectable. the Forging may be accepted without further test provided that the imperfection does not encroach on the minimum required wall thickness.
14. Siir1ice Finish Appearnce and Corrosion Prolection
14. 1 Forgings and tinished parts shall conform to the requirements of SpecilIcation A96l/A961M.

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