ASTM-A421/A421M:21 pdf free download – Standard Specification for Stress-Relieved Steel Wire for Prestressed Concrete.
6.1 Wire meeting the requirements of this specification is normally ordered in the nominal diameters shown in Table I.
6.2 The diameter of the wire shall not vary from the nominal diameter specified by more than ±0.(X)2 in. 1±0.05 mml.
6.3 The wire shall not be out-of-round by more than 0.002 in. 10.05 mml.
7 and Finish
7.1 Cast—A wire test specimen having a chord length of 60 in. 115(X) mmj shall have an offset at the center of the chord of not more than 3 in. 175 mml. This is equivalent to a chord of an arc of a circle not less than 25 ft 17.6 ml in diameter.
7.2 Type BA Wire—Type BA wire shall be of suitable quality to permit cold forming of button heads for anchorage. Splitting shall not be considered a cause for rejection if the button anchorage is capable of developing the specilied minimum tensile strength of the wire.
7.3 The wire shall be free of kinks.
7.4 The wire shall be furnished in firmly tied coils having a minimum inside diameter of 48 in. 11200 rnmJ. Each coil shall be of one continuous length.
7.5 There shall be no welds or joints in the finished wire. Any welds or joints made during manufacture to enable continuity of operations shall be removed.
7.6 The wire shall not be oiled or greased. Slight rusting. provided it is not sulYicient to cause pits visible to a person with normal or corrected vision, shall not be cause for rejection.
7.7 Temper colors which result froni the stress-relieving operation are considered normal for the appearance of the finished wire.
8. Chemical Requirements
8.1 Variations in manufacturing processes and equipment among wire manufacturers necessitate the individual selection of an appropriate chemical composition at the discretion of the manufacturer.
8.2 Phosphorus and sulfur values shall not exceed the following:
Pçhorus 0.040 %
Sitis 0.050%
8.3 The purchaser shall have the right to make an analysis from finished wire representing each heat of steel. Samples for analysis shall be obtained by milling the wire in such a manner as to obtain a sample representative of the entire cross section. Prior to milling, the surface shall be cleaned to remove all foreign matter. All such individual determinations shall not vary from the limits shown in 8.2 by more than 0,008 %.
8.4 For referee purposes. Test Methods. Practices, and Terminology A751 shall be applied.
9. Sampling
9.1 Unless otherwise agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser. one test specimen shall be taken from each 10 coils or less in a lot (Note I) and tested to determine compliance with Sections 5. 6. and 7.
Noni I—The erm lot” means all the coils ofwire of the same notiiinal wire size ccmtarned in an individual shipping release or shipping order.
10. Inspection
10.1 Inspection of the stress-relieved steel wire shall be agreed upon between (he purchaser and the manufacturer as pail of the purchase order or contract.
II. Rejection
11.1 Unless otherwise specified, any rejection based on tests made in accordance with this specification shall be reported to the manufacturer within a reasonable length of time.
12. Certification
12. I At the time of shipment. the purchaser shall he furnished with a written certification that specimens representing each lot of wire have been either tested or inspected as required in this specification and the requirements have been satisfied.