ASTM-A488/A488M:17 pdf free download – Standard Practice for Steel Castings, Welding, Qualifications of Procedures and Personnel

02-22-2022 comment

ASTM-A488/A488M:17 pdf free download – Standard Practice for Steel Castings, Welding, Qualifications of Procedures and Personnel.
5.2 The dimensions of the test plate shall be such as to provide the required number of test specimens.
5.3 The test joint shall be welded using the type of welding groove proposed in the welding procedure. The dimensions of the welding groove are not essential variables of the welding procedure.
5.4 The thickness of the test plate shall depend on ihe range of thickness to be qualified as shown in Tables 2 and 3.
5.5 The joint preparation shown in Fig. 5 shall qualify the supplier for all welding on steel castings.
5.6 Where pipe or a cylindrical casting is used for qualification, it is recommended that a minimum nominal diameter of 5 in. 1125 mmj and a minimum thickness of ¾ in. 110 mml be used.
6. Types of Tests
6.1 Four types of tests arc used in the qualification procedure as follows:
6.1 .1 Tension Test—Tests in direct tension are used in the procedure qualification to measure the strength of groove-weld joints.
6.1.2 Bend Text—Guided bend tests are used in the procedure and performance qualitication tests to cheek the degree of soundness and ductility of groove-weld joints.
6.1.3 charpv impact Text—Charpy V-notch impact test specimens are used in the procedure qualification to deiemiine the impact strength of weld metal deposited in groove-type joints.
6.1.4 Radiographic Test—Radiographic examination in accordance with 12.6 of a length of weld may be used to prove the ability of operators and welders to make sound welds.
7. Tension lest
7.1 Specimens—Tension tests shall he in accordance with the requirements of 7.1.1 or 7.1.2.
7.1. I All thicknesses of plate may he tested using reduced- section specimens in accordance with the requirements of Fig.
6. All thicknesses of pipe or cylindrical castings having an outside diameter greater than 3 in. 175 mmj may be tested using reduced-section specimens in accordance with the requiremcnts of Fig. 7. A single specimen of full-plate or full-pipe thickness shall be used for thicknesses up to and including I in. 125 mrnj, For plate or pipe thicknesses greater than I in.
125 mml. single or multiple specimens may be used. When multiple specimens are used, each set shall represent a single required tension test. Collectively, all of the specimens required to represent the full thickness of the weld at one location shall comprise a set. When multiple specimens are necessary, the entire thickness shall be mechanically cut into a minimum number of approximately equal strips of a size that can be tested in the available equipment. Each specimen shall he tested and meet the requirements of 7.1.4.

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