ASTM-A53/A53M:2020 pdf free download – Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless.
6.2 If the analysis of either pipe does not conform to the requirements given in Table I, analyses shall he made on additional pipes ol double the original number from the same lot, each of which shall conform to the specified requirements.
7. Mechanical Properties
7. 1 Tension Test:
7. I . 1 For tension tests other than transverse weld tension tests, the yield strength corresponding to a permanent ofi set of 0.2 % of the gage length or to an extension of 0.5 % of the gage length under load, the tensile strength. and the elongation in 2 in. or 50 mm shall be determined, and the tension test results shall conform to the applicable tensile property requirements given in Table 2.
7.1.2 For transverse weld tension tests, the tensile strength shall he determined, and the tension test results shall conform to the applicable tensile strength requirement given in Table 2.
7.1.3 Electric-resistance-welded pipe NPS 8 II)N 2(X)1 or larger shall he tested using two transverse test specimens. one taken across the weld and one taken opposite the weld.
7.1.4 Transverse tension test specimens shall be approximately I Y2 in. 138 mmj wide in the gage length and shall represent the full wall thickness of the pipe from which the test specimens were cut.
7.2 Bend Test:
7.2.1 For pipe NPS 501 or smaller, a sufficient length of pipe shall be capable of being bent cold through 90° around a cylindrical mandrel, the diameter of which is twelve times the specified outside diameter of the pipe. without developing cracks at any portion and without opening the weld.
7.2.2 If ordered for close coiling, the pipe shall stand being bent cold through 180° around a cylindrical mandrel, the diameter of which is eight times the specified outside diameter of the pipe, without failure.
7.2.3 Double-extra-strong pipe over NPS 11/4 IDN 321 need not be subjected to the bend test.
7.3 Flattening Test:
7.3.1 The flattening test shall be made on welded pipe over NPS 2 1l)N 501 in extra-strong weight or lighter.
7.3.2 Seamless Pipe: Although testing is not required. pipe shall be capable of meeting the flattening test requirements of Supplementary Requirement S I, if tested.
7.3.3 Electric-Resistance- Welded Pipe: A test specimen at least 4 in. 1100 mm] in length shall he flattened cold between parallel plates in three steps, with the weld located either 0° or 90° from the line of direction of force as required by or whichever is applicable. During the first step, which is a test for ductility of the weld, except as allowed by 7.3.5, 7.3.6, and 7.3.7. flO cracks or breaks on the inside or outside surface at the weld shall be present before the distance between the plates is less than two thirds of the specified outside diameter of the pipe. As a second step, the flattening shall be continued as a test for ductility away from the weld. During the second step, except as allowed by 7.3.6 and 7.3.7, no cracks or breaks on the inside or outside surface away from the weld shall be present before the distance between the plates is less than one third of the specified outside diameter of’ the pipe but is not less than five times the specified wall thickness of the pipe. During the third step. which is a test for soundness, the flattening shall be continued until the test specimen breaks or the opposite walls of the test specimen meet. Evidence of laminated or unsound material or of incomplete weld that is revealed by the flattening test shall be cause for rejection.