ASTM-A945/A945M:16(R2021) pdf free download – Standard Specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel Plate with Low Carbon and Restricted Sulfur for Improved Weldability, Formability, and Toughness

02-22-2022 comment

ASTM-A945/A945M:16(R2021) pdf free download – Standard Specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel Plate with Low Carbon and Restricted Sulfur for Improved Weldability, Formability, and Toughness.
5.2 Grade 65 plates greater than 1 ¼ in. 132 mml in thickness shall be furnished in the quenched and tempered heat treatment.
6. Chemical Composition
6. 1 The heat analysis shall conform to the requirements given in Table 1.
6.2 If a product analysis is made, it shall conform to the requirements given in Table I, subject to the product analysis tolerances in Specification A6/AÔM.
7. Mechanical Properties
7. 1 Tensile Properties:
7.1.1 The plates as represented by the test specimens shall conform to the tensile properties given in Table 2 for the applicable grade.
7.1.2 For quenched and tempered plates. one tension test shall be taken from a corner of each plate as heat treated.
7.1.3 If measured on a I ‘/2-in. 4O-rnmj wide specimen (see Fig. 3 of Test Methods and Definitions A370), the elongation may he determined in a 2-in. [50-mm] gauge length that includes the fracture and shows the greatest elongation.
7.2 Charpv V-Notch Impact Properties:
7.2.1 Except as allowed by section 7.2.2, Charpy V-Notch impact tests shall be conducted in accordance with Specification A673/A673M. All plates shall be tested in accordance with frequency (P) Piece Testing.
7.2.2 The plates as represented by the test specimens shall conform to the impact properties given in Table 3 for the applicable grade. For Grade 50, the longitudinal axis of the specimens may he parallel or transverse to the final direction of rolling of the plate at the option of the manufacturer, unless the test orientation is specified in the purchase order.
7.2.3 For material thicknesses below /I6 in. 110 mm], the absorbed energy in Table 3 shall he reduced proportionally in accordance with Table I in Specification A673/A673M for sub-sized Charpy test specimens.
8. Report
8.1 The manufacturer or processor shall report the results of all tests required by this specification as identified in Section 18 of’ Specification A6/A6M.
8.2 The manufacturer shall furnish a certification that the material has been manufactured and tested in accordance with the requirements of the material specification.
9. Keywords
9. 1 as-rolled; high-strength; low-alloy; low-carbon; normalized: plate: quenched; restricted sulfur: ship applications: steel; structural applications: tempered: thcrmo-mcchanical control processed (TMCP); weight; welded construction
S78. First Article Inspection
S78. I The manufacturer shall demonstrate the uniformity of properties throughout the plate prior to the initial shipment of the order.
S78.1.l Testing shall be conducted on a single plate of the maximum thickness to he supplied to the order.
S78. 1.1.1 Tensile tests shall be conducted on material taken from each end of the plate and along both edges near the mid-length of the plate (four test locations). One tensile test from each area shall be oriented parallel to the direction of rolling and one tensile test from each area shall he oriented transverse to the principal direction of rolling.
S78. I. 1.2 Charpy V-notch impact tests shall he conducted on material from each end of the plate and along both edges near the mid-length of the plate (four test locations).

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