ASTM-B226:11(R2021) pdf free download – Standard Specification for Cored, Annular, Concentric-Lay-Stranded Copper Conductors

02-22-2022 comment

ASTM-B226:11(R2021) pdf free download – Standard Specification for Cored, Annular, Concentric-Lay-Stranded Copper Conductors.
8. Physical and Electrical Tests
8.1 Tests for the electrical properties of wires composing conductors made from soft or annealed copper wire, bare or coated, shall be made before stranding.
8.2 Tests for the physical properties of soft or annealed copper wire, bare or coated, may be made upon the wires before stranding or upon wires removed from the completed stranded conductor, hut need not he made upon both. Care shall he taken to avoid mechanical injury to wire removed from the conductor for the purpose of testing.
.3 The physical properties of wire when tested before stranding shall conform to the applicable requirements of 11.2.
8.4 The physical properties of wires removed from the completed stranded conductor shall be permitted to vary from the applicable requirements of 11 .2 by the following amounts (Explanatory Note 5):
8.4.1 Average of Results Obtained on All Wires Tested—The minimum elongation required shall be reduced in numerical value 5 (for example, from 30 to 25 %) from the numerical requirements for the wire before stranding.
8.4.2 Results Obtained on mdii ‘idual Wires—The elongation of individual wires shall be reduced in numerical value 15 from the minimum requirements before stranding (that is, 10 in addition to the 5 allowed in 8.4.1) hut in no case shall the elongation of any individual wire be less than 5 %.
8.5 In the event that the requirements prescribed in 8.4.2 are met but those prescribed in 8.4.1 are not met, a retest shall be permitted wherein all wires of the conductor shall he tested for the purpose of final determination of conformance to .4.
8.6 Elongation tests to determine compliance shall not he made on the conductor as a unit.
8.7 If a tin coating test is required, it shall be made on wires prior to stranding.
9. Density
9.1 For the purpose of calculating mass, cross-sections, and so forth, the density of copper shall be taken as 0.32117 lbAn.3 (8.89 g/cm3) at 20 °C (Explanatory Note 6).
11. Requirements for Wires
11. I The purchaser shall designate if the type of wire is tin coated, or not (see 11.2).
11.2 Before stranding, the copper wire used shall meet all of the requirements of the following specifications that are applicable to its type: Specifications B3 and B33.
12. Variation in Area
12.1 The area of the copper cross-section of the completed cOn(IuCtOr shall be not less than 98 % of the calculated area given in Table I. The area of cross section of a conductor shall he considered to he the sum of the cross-sectional areas of its component wires at any section when measured perpendicularly to their individual axes. Alternatively, the cross-section of a conductor may he calculated by the weight method as specified in Test Method B263. In case of dispute, Test Method B263 shall he the referee.
13. Inspection
13.1 All tests and inspection shall he made at the place of manufacture, unless otherwise especially agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser at the time of purchase. The manufacturer shall afford the inspector representing the purchaser all reasonable facilities, to satisfy him that the material is being furnished in accordance with this specification.

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