ASTM-B66:15(R2021) pdf free download – Standard Specification for Bronze Castings for Steam Locomotive Wearing Parts

02-22-2022 comment

ASTM-B66:15(R2021) pdf free download – Standard Specification for Bronze Castings for Steam Locomotive Wearing Parts.
3. terminology
3.1 For definitions of terms related to copper alloys, refer to Tenninology H846.
4. GiirI Requirements
4.1 The following sections of Specification B824 form a part of this specification, in thc event of a conhict between this specitication and Specification B824. the rcquircmcnts of this specification shall take precedence.
4.1.1 Tenninology (Section 3).
4.1.2 Other Requirements (Section 7).
4.1.3 Dimcnsions, Mass, and Permissible Variations (Section 8).
4.1.4 Workmanship. Finish, and Appearance (Section 9).
4.1.5 Sampling (Section 10).
4.1.6 Number of Tests and Retests (Section II),
4.1.7 Specimen Preparation (Section 12).
4.1.8 Test Methods (Section 13).
4.1.9 Significance of Numerical Limits (Section 14).
4.1.10 Inspection (Section 15).
4.1.11 Rejection and Rehearing (Section 16).
4.1.12 Certification (Section 17),
4.1.13 Test Report (Section 18), and
4.1.14 Packaging and Package Marking (Section 20).
5. Ordering Information
5.1 Orders for castings under this specification should include the following information in orders for product:
5.1.1 ASTM designation and year of issue (for esample. B66—4),
5.1.2 Number of castings or total weight, for each size and torm.
5.1.3 Copper Alloy UNS Number (Table 1),
5.1.4 Pattern or drawing number and condition (as cast, machined, and so forth).
5.2 The following are optional and should be specified in the purchase order when required:
5.2.1 Pressure test or soundness requirements (Specification
5.2.2 Certification (Specification B824),
5.2.3 Foundry test report (Specification B824),
5.2.4 Witness inspection (Specification B824), and
5.2.5 Product marking (Section 10).
6. Materials and Manufacture
6. 1 Mateiwls.
6.1.1 The material of manufacture shall be a casting of Copper Alloy UNS Nos. C93200, C93400. C93600, C93700, C93800. C94300, C94400. C94500. or C95400 of such purity and soundness as to be suitable for processing into the products prescribed herein.
6.1.2 In the event heat identifIcation or traceability is required, the purchaser shall specify the details desired.
6.2 Manufticture—The product shall be manufactured by such casting methods to produce a uniform finished product.
7. Chemical Composition
7.1 The castings shall conform to the compositional req uirements for named elements shown in Table 1 for the Copper Alloy UNS Numbers specified in the purchase order.
7.2 These specification limits do not preclude the presence of other elements. Limits may be established and analysis required for unnamed elements agreed upon between the manufacturer or supplier and the purchaser. Copper or zinc may he given as remainder and may be taken as the difference between the sum of all elements analyzed and 1(X) %. When all named elements in Table 1 are analyzed, their sum shall be as specified in Table 2.
8. Casting Repair
8.1 The castings shall not be repaired. plugged, welded, or burned-in.
9. Sampling
9.1 Sampling shall be in accordance with the requirements of Practice E255.
10. Test Methods
10.1 Analytical chemical methods are given in Specification B824 (Section 12).
10.1.1 Test methods to he followed for the determination of elements resulting from contractual or purchase order agreement shall he as agreed upon between the manufacturer or supplier and the purchaser.
11. Product Marking
11.1 All castings shall have the manufacturer’s initial or trademark, the pattern number, and such other marks as are shown on the drawings cast on them. When serial numbers are specified, each 100 castings. or fraction thereof, shall bear the same serial number, commencing with the numeral one (1) at the beginning of the year and continuing consecutively until the end of the year, at each manufacturer’s plant.
12. Keywords
12.1 bronze castings; copper-alloy castings: locomotive.

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