ASTM-C1224:15(R2020) pdf free download – Standard Specification for Reflective Insulation for Building Applications

02-21-2022 comment

ASTM-C1224:15(R2020) pdf free download – Standard Specification for Reflective Insulation for Building Applications.
5. Materials and Manufacture
5.1 Reflective insulation materials shall consist of low emittance surface(s) with, or without, substrates and adhesives required to meet the specified thermal performance and physical properties.
5.2 Multiple layer reflective insulations shall be designed to attain the intended separation of layers in normal application. Such multiple layer insulation shall form an attachment flange suitable for stapling, or other means of attachment.
5.3 Dimensions—Insulation shall be furnished in dimensions to fit framing members, at spacings standard in the construction industry, or as specifically agreed upon between the producer and the buyer.
6. Physical Properties Requirements
6.1 Low emittance materials shall have a surface with an emittance of 0.1 or less, as determined in accordance with 9.1.
6.2 Permeance—When the reflective insulation is to serve as a vapor retarder, the permeance of the material shall not exceed one perm. as determined in accordance with 9.2.
6.2.1 When the reflective insulation is to he vapor transmitting the permeance of the material shall he equal to or greater than five perms. as determined in accordance with 9.2.
6.3 Suiflice Bii riling Chara den sties—Build i ng code requirements specify flame spread and smoke development values determined in accordance with 9.3, except as follows:
(1) Maximum surface burning characteristics shall not exceed 25 flame spread index and 50 smoke development index for inside plenum applications.
(2) Maximum surface burning characteristics shall not exceed 25 flame spread index and 450 smoke development index in exposed building applications.
6.4 Humidity Resistance—The lam in ales of the reflective insulation shall be tested in accordance with 9.4. Three specimens shall he exposed. Shield the test specimens from condensate that drips from the ceiling of the humidity chamber.
6.4.1 The specimens shall he evaluated for visible corrosion and delamination. For purposes of corrosion evaluation disregard the outer 0.25 in. (6.4 mm) perimeter. No tested specimen shall exhibit visible crystalline deposits exceeding 2 % of the test area nor exhibit unaided delamination of layers.
6.5 Adhesive Perfrl7nance:
6.5.1 Bleeding—Adhesives, when used, shall show no sign of bleeding when tested in accordance with the test procedure in 9.5. 1. Disregard bleeding at cut edges. Bleeding or delamination, covering over 2 % of the specimen area, shall he cause for rejection.
6.5.2 Pliability—Specimens tested in accordance with the test procedure in 9.5.2 shall not show cracking or (lelamination.
6.6 Fungi Resistance—Specimens shall not have growth greater than comparative item when tested in accordance with
9.6. Use Interpretation of Results (Paragraph 7.2) of Test Method C 1338.
9.7.4 To determine the heatfiow in the cavity area, the net heat flow shall be adjusted to account for the heat flow through the framing members. To perform this adjustment, the thermal resistance of the framing material must be known to within ± 10 % and the average temperature difference across the framing members shall be measured. A suflicient number of temperature sensors shall be installed to determine the average temperature difference across the framing members. Framing member temperature sensor layouts for 16 and 24 in. (40.64 mm and 60.96 mm) on center guarded and calibrated hot boxes are shown in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively.

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