ASTM C535:2012 pdf free download – Standard Test Method for Resistance to Degradation of Large-Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine

02-23-2022 comment

ASTM C535:2012 pdf free download – Standard Test Method for Resistance to Degradation of Large-Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine.
4,1 This test i a mcisure of degradation or mineral aggregates or standard gradings resulting from a comhination or actions including abrasion at attrition. impart, and grinding in a rotating steel drum containing 12 steel spheres. As the drum , a shelf plate picks up the sample and the steel spheres.
Steel sjslwrn 46.11 aim in diameter hrning a mass appesisimatety 420 g may also be chratnable. The chuige nay of a nast,are of tew slits sstnroroisng to lit total ours, tokranot 6.4.
7. Sampling
7.1 Obtain the held sample in accordance with Practice 075 and reduce to an adequate sample size in accordance with Practice C701
8. Teal Sample Preparation
K.l Wash the reduced sample and oven ày at 110 ± S.C 12.11) ± 91) to suhstantially constant mass, sejmraae into indis-idual sire Fractions, and recombine to the grading LifTable I most nearly corresponding to the range of sizes in the aggregate as furnished for the won. Record the mass of the sample prior to test to the nearest I g.
9. Procedure
9.1 Place the test sample and charge in the Los Angeles testing machine and rotate the machine at 30 to 33 r for resolutions tNotc 3L After the prescribed number of revolueton,s. discharge the matenal tnsnt the machtne and make a preliminary separation or the sample on a sieve coarser than the 1.70-mm (No. 12) sine. Sieve the liner portion on a 1.70-nun sieve in a manner conforming to Test Method Cl Wash the nsaterial coarser than the 1.70-mm sieve and osen dry at I It) ± S.C (230 ± ‘LFI to substantially constant man, and determine the nw-s to the nearest I g
9.1.1 If the aregate is essentially free of adherent coatings and dust the requirement for ssaslsing after the test is optional. Howeser. in the case of referee testing. the washing procedure shalt he pertonned. Elimination of washing alter test will seldom reduce the measured loss by more than about 0.2 % oF the original sample mass.
Note 3—4ltluahte iafamaion rons’niatg the unircamity of the sample under test may he dimmed bs determining the loss after 200 resetutiens. liii. lass sisottU he desennined Ity sIrs sersing the nnaterlut on the I .70-nuss (No. t2t sieve asthostt aushair Thr ratio of the loss after 200 resolutions In the toss after t000 irsoluticurs sink) isa gmtrly tweed 0.20 fi nsairrial or taiIonn tsaslaesa. When this detenmaaeion is nusk, etc can to asoid losing any pal of the sample: retrata she mire sample. inctuding the dust of In.ctnre. to the testing macbitt for the finat RIO resolutions requied to complrer the test.

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