ASTM C963:00(R2021) pdf free download – Standard Specification for Packaging, ldentification, Shipment, and Storage of Lock- Strip Gaskets

02-23-2022 comment

ASTM C963:00(R2021) pdf free download – Standard Specification for Packaging, ldentification, Shipment, and Storage of Lock- Strip Gaskets.
4. Packaging, Identification, Shipment, and Storage
4.1 Packaging—Gaskets, gasket assemblies, and components shall he properly packaged to avoid cutting, abrading, permanently distorting. or otherwise damaging them during shipping and storage. Each container shall he legibly and indelibly marked with the manufacturer’s name and address, the project name, the part or assembly number for the gaskets, the quantity of parts in each container, and other identification required by the purchaser.
4.2 identification (111(1 Marking—Each gasket, gasket assembly. or component shall be clearly and legibly labeled with the manufacturer’s identifying part number and other identifIcation required by the purchaser.
4.3 Shipment—Gaskets, gasket assemblies, and components shall be shipped in closed containers using the best commercial practices as defined by the Interstate Commerce Commission Manual,” Uniform Freight Classification Number 9•3 Containers shall not be handled in a manner that will cause damage to the contents.
4.4 Storage—Gaskets, gasket assemblies, and components, shall be stored in original containers in a clean dry area, free of dust, debris, oils, solvents, welding slag. spatter, or sparks, or other materials and conditions that may cause damage to the containers and the contents.
5. Comparison to Other Standards
5.1 The Committee with jurisdiction over this standard’ is not aware of any comparable standards published by other organizations.
6. Keywords
6. 1 gasket: glazing; lock-strip.

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