ASTM D1193:06(R2011) pdf free download – Standard Specification for Reagent Water

02-24-2022 comment

ASTM D1193:06(R2011) pdf free download – Standard Specification for Reagent Water.
Xl .3 Monitoring
X 1.3. I The limits of Table I apply to the water sampled at the point of use or. when fcr practical reasons and/or to avoid contamination (for example connection of an equipment after a 0.2 im filler), as close as possible to the point of use and with a regular verification of a low impact of the purification steps and/or equipment placed downstream of the monitoring sampling point.
X 1.3.2 Because atmospheric gases and impurities rapidly recontaminate exposed water, an on-line sensor should he employed for determining the electrical conductivity of reagent water Types I. II. and Ill. As atmospheric organic compounds and those from sampling vials rapidly contaminate exposed purified water, an on—line T monitor should be preferred flr determining the TOC level of Type I and Type II water.
X 1.3.3 Quality and system performance parameters should be regularly reported and registered. Follow -up of (rends in the quality and performance parameters should he performed regularly to check any variations in performance of the water puriticafion installation and to be able to anticipate any failures.
X 1.3.4 The monitoring of dilkrcnt parameters should be performed at a frequency defined by the user to ensure with a high degree of confidence that the water quality used is always compliant with the specifications and the purpose.
Xl.4 Storage and I)istrihuiion
X 1.4. I Generally speaking. storage of the purified water will cause a loss of the specified characteristics. The impact will be different depending on the water type and grade produced tresistiity characteristics for example. will be rapidly impacted as soon as Type I water is be stored). Water types. other than Type 1. can he stored if particular attention is taken regarding the materials, design of the storage system and time of storage. The material of the storage reservoir in contact with water should be selected to minimize the release of ext ractables.
X The design of the storage reservoir should be fully drainable. either opaque or placed in an environment which limit bacterial growth by (he effects of light.
X The storage container should be adequately protected from air contaminants (particles and CO,. especially when water is drawn) and from bacteriological contamination. This should be achieved by air filtration, inert gas blanketing. UV irradiation, chemical sanitization. heating above 80 degrees C, or a combination thereof. It should be recognized that the mere fact that the water is stored will likely reduce its purity despite attempts to prevent contamination. Storage should be sized to ensure a good turnover of water.
Xl.4.l.3 Manual or automatic draw -off and periodic sanitii.ation should be performed in particular after long periods of non-use. The periodicity of such draw-otfs and sanitization should be defined by the user depending on the water purification system usage and water usc. This periodicity can he defined during a qualification phase. After each sanitization, verification of the absence of the sanitiiation agent should be performed.

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