ASTM-D1204:14(R2020) pd ffree download – Standard Test Method for Linear Dimensional Changes of Nonrigid Thermoplastic Sheeting or Film at Elevated Temperature

02-21-2022 comment

ASTM-D1204:14(R2020) pd ffree download – Standard Test Method for Linear Dimensional Changes of Nonrigid Thermoplastic Sheeting or Film at Elevated Temperature.
4. Significance and Use
4.1 This guide defines the information which is considered essential to uniquely describe a fiber, filler, or core material in a computerized database. A format is recommended for placing these data in fields suitable for a computerized database. Additional fields which are considered desirable, hut not essential, are also defined. The purpose is to facilitate efticient storage and retrieval of the information with a computer and to allow meaningful comparison of data from different sources.
4.2 Comparison of property data from different sources will he most meaningful if all the essential information defined by the guidelines is present. Comparison may still he possible if essential information is omitted, hut the value of the comparison may be greatly reduced.
4.3 While at this time there is no generally accepted numbering system for these materials, analogous to those for metals and alloys, a field for an identifying number (Material Reference Number) is included should such a system he developed in the future.
4.4 This information should not be considered restrictive. For example. a database designer may find it useful to aggregate several Fields, such as the material and chemical class fields, into a single field. This may affect search strategies and other database operations. These considerations are beyond the scope of this guide.
5.1 The following fields are recommended for identification of fibers, fillers, and core materials used in composites. For certain fields, lists of recommended entries are included. Where possible, entries should be chosen from these lists. However, these lists should not be regarded as exhaustive.
5.2 Primary identifiers:
5.2.1 Material Reference Number—Identifying number or code, if any, for the particular material.
5.2.2 Class—Classification by form, either fiber, filler, or core.
5.2.3 Subclass—Further subdivision by geometric form within the class. See Table 1 for list.
5.2.4 (7ie,nical Famnilv—Classification of the material by its generic chemical composition family. See Table I for list.
5.3.1 common Name—Name by which the material is known in the industry.
5.3.2 Additional Name Information—Additional information on the name, such as chemical composition details on the material.
5.3.3 Spec ijicarion Orgaii i:arion—A company, industry, government, national, regional, or international organization issuing the specification: for example, ASTM.
5.3.4 Specification Number—The specification number within the organization referenced.
5.3.5 Specification Version—The year or revision code of the specification.
5.3.6 Specijicutioii Designation—The designation used for the material in the specification.
5.7.2 Field Name and Description—The complete name of the field, descriptive of the element of information that would he included in this field of the database.
5.7.3 Value Sets or Units—A listing of the types of information that would be included in the field or, in the case of properties or other numeric fields, the units in which the numbers are expressed. Value sets are representative sets, listing sample (but not necessarily all acceptable) inputs to the field.
5.7.4 Examples of the application of this guide to fibers, fillers, and cores are included in Tables 7-9. Oniy those fields appropriate to the particular material form should be used.
6. Keywords
6.1 computerization: core material; fiber: filler: materials databases: material identification.

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