ASTM D1290:95(R2021) pdf free download – Standard Test Method for Sediment in Water-Emulsion Polishes by Centrifuge.
4. Apparatus
4.1 Centrifuge and Tubes. confonmng to Paragraphs 5.1 and on Centrifuge and Centrifuge Tubes of Test Method 1)17%.
5. Sample
SI The sample shall be thoroughly representative of the matenal in question, and the portion used for the Lest shall be thoroughly respensentatise of the sample hell.
6.1 Measure l mL of the waler-emulsion wax into each of two centrifuge tubes and stopper the tubes Balance the two tubes in their holders.
6.2 Place the two tubes on opposite sides of the head and whirl for Itt mm a a rate, calculated (nan the equation in Paragraph 5.1.5 under Centrifuge of Test Method 1)17%. sufficient to produce a relative centrifugal force (ret) of between 500 and 700 at the tips of the whirling tubes (see Table 2. Rotation Speeds Applicable for Centntuges of Vanous L)ianmeters of Swing, of Test Method 1)17% (Lie relationship between diameter of swing. ref. and rpm).
6.3 Read the volume of sediment in each rube, estimating to the nearest 0.1 mlii necessary Record the aserage of the readings as the pcnzentage of sediment by the centrifuge method.
7. Prrnsinn and Bias
7.1 Precision—Interlaboratory and tntralaborutory duplicate determinations of sediment by this rest method should not di&r by nsore than 0.2 mL
7.2 Bias—This test method has no bias because the results developed are defined in terms of this test method,
8.1 Key words centrifuge; polishes; sediment; water-emulsions