ASTM D2000:08 pdf free download – Standard Classification System for Rubber Products in Automotive Applications.
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D5964 Practice for Rubber IRM 901, IRM 902, and IRM 903 Replacement Oils forASTM No. I, ASTM No. 2. and ASTM No. 3 Oils
3. Purpose
3.1 The purpose of this classification system is to provide guidance to the engineer in the selection of practical. commercially available rubber materials, and further to provide a method for specifying these materials by the use of a simple line call-out” designation.
3.2 This classification system was developed to permit the addition of descriptive values for future rubber materials without complete reorganiiation of the classification system and to facilitate the incorporation of future new test methods to keep pace with changing industry requirements.
4 Type and Class
4.1 The prefix letter “M shall be used to indicate that the classification system is based on SI units.
Note 3—Call ouLs not pwhxed by thc kiter M icier to an earlier cla.ssihcation %yssern based on inch-pound units. This was published in editions up to 1980.
4.2 Rubber materials shall be designated on the basis of type (heat resistance) and class (oil resistancel. Type and class arc indicated by letter designations as shown in Table I and Table 2 and illustrated in 9.1.
4.3 Type is based on changes in tensile strength of not more than ± 30 %, elongation of not more than — 50 %, and hardness of not more than 15 paints after heat aging for 70 h at an appropriate temperature. The temperatures at which these materials shall be icsted for determining type are listed in Table
4.4 Class is based on the resistance of the material to swelling in IRM 903 Oil (most tables were originally dcvclTABLE I Basic R.quirements for Establishing Typ. by tcmpcrarnrc of I 50°C (the upper limit of oil stability) shall be used. Limits of swelling for cacti class are showii in Table 2.
4.4.1 ASTM No. I. No. 2, and No. 3 Oils have been replaced by IRM 901, 902. and 903 Oils, respectively, under Practicc D 5964. These oils arc similar but not identical to ASTM No. I, No. 2, and No. 3 Oils.
4.4.2 Subsitutabilily of IRM 901. 902. and 903 Oils for ASTM No. I. No. 2. and No. 3 Oils has not been established. as their swelling characteristics arc dilierern and may affec compound classification.