ASTM D2172:17 pdf free download – Standard Test Methods for Quantitative Extraction of Asphalt Binder from Asphalt Mixtures.
9.2 Procedure:
9.2.I Prepare the sample and determine the moisture conlent of the material in accordance with Section 8.
9.2.3 TCE. nPli. or toluene solvents can be used with this extraction method.
9.2.4 Place the bowl containing the test portion onto the extraction apparatus. Cover the test portion in the bowl with solvent and allow sufficient time for the solvent to disintegrate the test portion (not over I h). Dry and determine the mass of the filter ring and fit it around the edge of the bowl. Position lid on the bowl and tighten setscrew. Clamp the cover on the howl tightly and place a beaker under the drain to collect the effluent.
9.2.5 Start the centrifuge revolving slowly and gradually increase the speed to a maximum of 36(X) r/min or until solvent ceases to flow from the drain. Allow the machine to stop, add 2(X) mL of solvent and repeat the procedure. Use sufficient solvent additions (not less than three) so that the extract is not darker than a light straw color. Collect the effluent and the washings in a graduate container.
Note 7—Addiiius of solvent grealer than 200 mL may be used a.s appropriate for the site of the sample.
9.2.6 Drying Procedurec: Remove lid from centrifuge bowl, leaving howl. sample and filter in place. Allow the extracted aggregate to air dry for IS to 30 mm in the ventilated hood. Place bowl. filter ring, and extracted sample into an exhaust oven at 110 ± 5 °C [230 ± 9 °FJ for 1 to 2 h to evaporate remaining solvent. Cool bowl, filter ring, and extracted aggregate and if felt filter rings are used, brush off mineral matter adhering to the surface of the ring and add to the extracted aggregate. The mass of the extracted aggregate. W1. is equal to the mass of the aggregate in the bowl plus the increase in mass of the filter rings. Report mass measurements to the nearest 0.1 g. Use the following alternative procedure when low- ash filter rings arc uscd: Place the aggregate and filter rings in a clean metal pan. Dry as specified above. Carefully fold the dried filter ring and stand it on the aggregate. Burn the filter ring by igniting with a Bunsen burner cc match. Determine the mass of the extracted aggregate in the pan. W3. Report mass measurements to the nearest 0.1 g. Since dry aggregate absorbs moisture when exposed to air containing moisture, determine the mass of the extracted aggregate immediately after cooling to a suitable temperature.
9.2.7 Determine the amount of mineral matter in the extract by any of the test methods in Section 13.
9.2.8 Calculate the asphalt hinder content as described in Section 14.
10. Test Method B — Refitix Extractor
10.1 Apparatus.