ASTM-D3262:2020 pdf free download – Standard Specification for “Fiberglass” (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Sewer Pipe

02-21-2022 comment

ASTM-D3262:2020 pdf free download – Standard Specification for “Fiberglass” (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Sewer Pipe.
4.2 Designation Requireinenis—The pipe materials de signation code shall consist of the standard designation. ASTM 1)3262. followed by type. liner, and grade indicated in Arabic numerals, and pipe stillness by a capital letter. Table I presents a summary of the designation requirements. Thus a complete material code shall consist of ASTM D3262. three numerals. and a capital letter.
Noii- 4—Examples of the designation c(xIes are as follows: (I) ASTN1 D3262- I – I -3-A for glass—fiber—reinforced aggregate and polyester resin mortar pipe with a reintorced thermoset liner and an unreinforced polyester resin and sand surfacc layer having a minimum pipe stiffness of 9 psi (62 kPa). (2) ASTM D3262-4-2-6-C tir glass—fiber—reinforced epoxy resin pipe with an unreintorced thermoset liner, no surface layer. having a minimum pipe stillness of 36 psi (24X kPa).
Nom 5—Although the Form and Style for AS1M Standards manual requires that the type classification be roman numerals, it is recogniied that few companies have stencil-cutting equipment for this style of type, and it is therefore acceptable to mark the prxluct type in Arabic numbers.
5. Materials and Manufacture
5. I General— -The thermosetting resins, glass fiber reinforcements, fillers, and other materials, when combined as a composite structure, shall produce piping products that meet the performance requirements of this specification.
5.2 Wall composition— The basic structural wall composi— tion shall consist of a thermosetting resin, glass-fiber reinforcement, and if used, an aggregate filler.
5.2. 1 Resin—A thermosetting polyester or epoxy resin, with or without filler.
5.2.2 Rein -A commercial grade of glass fibers compatible with the resin used.
5.2.3 Aggregate— A siliceous sand conforming to the requirements of Specification C33, except that the requirements for gradation shall not apply.
6. Requirements
6. 1 Workmanship—Each pipe shall be free from all defects including indentations, delaminations, bubbles, pinholes, cracks, pits, blisters, foreign inclusions, and resin-starved areas that, due to their nature, degree, or extent, detrimentally affect the strength and serviceability of the pipe. The pipe shall he as uniform as commercially practicable in color, opacity, density. and other physical properties.
6. 1 . 1 The inside surtuice of each pipe shall be free of bulges. dents, ridges, and other defects that result in a variation of inside diameter of more than ½ in. (3.2 mm) from that obtained on adjacent unaffected portions of the surface. No glass fiber reinforcement shall penetrate the interior surface of the pipe wall.
6. 1.2 Joint sealing surfaces shall be free of dents, gouges, and other surface irregularities that will affect the integrity of the joints.
6.2.2 Lengths— Pipe shall be supplied in nominal lengths of 10, 20, 30. 40, and 60 ft (3.05, 6. 10, 9. 1 5, 1 2. 19, and 18.29 m). The actual laying length shall be the nominal length ±2 in. (±51 mm), when measured in accordance with 8.1.2. At least 90 % of the total footage of any one size and stillness, excluding special-order lengths, shall be furnished in the nominal lengths specified by the purchaser. Random lengths, if furnished, shall not vary from the nominal lengths by more than 5 ft (1.53 m), or 25 k, whichever is less.

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