ASTM D543:20 pdf free download – Standard Practices for Evaluating the Resistance of Plastics to Chemical Reagents

02-24-2022 comment

ASTM D543:20 pdf free download – Standard Practices for Evaluating the Resistance of Plastics to Chemical Reagents.
5.8 Lahoratoiy Hood or other system adequate for vapor ventilation.
6. Reagents and Materials
6.1 The following list of standard reagents is intended to he representative of the main categories of pure chemical compounds. solutions, and common industrial products. Chemicals used in these practices shall be of technical grade or greater purity. All solutions shall be made with freshly prepared distilled water. Specific concentrations are on a weight percent or specific gravity basis.
6.2 The following list of standard reagents is not intended to preclude the use of other reagents pertinent to particular chemical resistance requirements. It is intended to standardize typical reagents, solution concentrations, and industrial products for general testing of the resistance of plastics to chemical reagents. Material specifications in which chemical resistance is indicated shall preferably be based upon reagents and conditions selected from those listed herein except by mutual agreement between the seller and the purchaser and/or where other reagents are more appropriate for the end use application.
6.3 Staiidard Reagents:
6.3.1 Acetic Acid (.sp gr 1.05)—Glacial acetic acid.
6.3.2 Acetic Acid (5 %).
6.3.3 Acetone.
6.3.4 Animoniun, I-Ivdroxide (sp gr 0.90)—Concentrated ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH).
6.3.5 Aininonium Hydroxide (10 %).
6.3.6 Aniline.
6.3.7 Benzene.
6.3.8 Carbon Tetrachioride.
6.3.9 hromic Acid (40 %).
6.3.10 Citric Acid (1 %).
6.3.11 cottonseed Oil, edible grade.
6.3.12 Detergcit Solution, Heavy I)utv (0.025 %)—Dissolve 0.05 g of alkyl aryl sulfonate and 0.20 g of trisodium phosphate in 1000 mL of water.
6.3.13 Diethyl Ether
6.3. 1 4 Diinethvl Forinamide.
6.3.15 Distilled Water, freshly prepared.
6.3. 1 6 Ethyl Acetate.
6.3.17 Ethyl Alcohol (95 %)—Undenatured ethyl alcohol.
6.3. 18 Ethyl Alcohol (50 %).
6.3. 19 Ethylene Dichioride.
6.3.20 2- Eilzvlhexvl Sehacate.
6.3.21 Heptane, commercial grade, boiling range from 9() to 100°C.
6.3.22 Hydrochloric Acid (sp gr 1.19)—Concentrated hydrochloric acid (HC1).
6.3.23 Hydrochloric Acid (10 %).
6.3.24 Hydrofluoric Acid (40 %).
6.3.25 Hydrogen Peroxide Solution, 28 % or USP 100 volume.
6.3.26 Hydrogen Peroxide Solution (3 % or USP 10 volti me).
6.3.27 Isooctamie, 2,2,4—trirnethyl pentane.
6.3.28 Kerosine—No. 2 fuel oil, Specification D396.
6.3.29 Methyl Alcohol.
6.4.1 Army Regulation 70-71 establishes the requirement for chemical contamination survivability of Army material intended to withstand the hazards of a chemical warfare (CW) environment. Decontaminating agents STB is included in Table 1. In addition, selected CW agents (or suitable simulants) are liquids against which it is appropriate to test the resistance of certain plastics.
6.5 SAB J1681 contains a list of gasoline, alcohol and diesel fuel surrogates intended to be representative of the fuels that arc encountered in internal combustion engines in automobile applications. Plastics that are intended for use in such environments shall be tested for chemical resistance to these fuel surrogates as applicable.
6.6 This standard does not list all the possible chemical reagents that plastics encounter in use. For example, one can foresee that a plastic used in a hospital environment would he subjected to disinfectants and cleaning agents encountered. Relevant chemical reagents used in the study to evaluate a plastic for an application should he reported.
7. Hazards.

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