ASTM-E2830:11(R2020) pdf free download – Standard Test Method for Evaluating the Mobility Capabilities of Emergency Response Robots Using Towing Tasks: Grasped Sleds

02-21-2022 comment

ASTM-E2830:11(R2020) pdf free download – Standard Test Method for Evaluating the Mobility Capabilities of Emergency Response Robots Using Towing Tasks: Grasped Sleds.
3.2.8 repetition, n—robot’s completion of the task as specified in the test method and readiness for repeating the same task when required.
3.2.8. 1 Discussion—In a traversing task, the entire mobility mechanism shall be behind the START point before the traverse and shall pass the END point to complete a repetition. A test method can specify returning to the START point to complete the task. Multiple repetitions, performed in the same test condition, may be used to establish the test performance to a certain degree of statistical significance as specified by the testing sponsor.
3.2.9 test event or event, n—a set of testing activities that are planned and organized by the test sponsor and to be held at the designated test site(s). Discussion—Testing may he done with or without being associated with a test event. A testing event may he organized for particular program purposes, such as procurement or applicability study. In such a case, the program and the organization names should be considered a part of the event name. Meanwhile, a robot may also be tested for its performance record purposes independent of any particular event. A test event can also serve such additional purposes as promoting the robotic tool in a new user community and facilitating user training.
3.2. 10 lest form, u—form corresponding to a test method and contains fields for recording the testing results and the associated information, including: (1) Metrics and corresponding measuring scales and ranges; (2) Any additional testing features such as those reflecting performance proficiency; (3) Important notes to be recorded during the test, including particular fault conditions that occurred, the reason for abstaining, any observations by the administrator that could augment the recorded results in either positive or negative ways, or any comments that the operator requests to be put on the form: (4) Administrative information including: names of the involved personnel, organizations, and robot; testing date(s) and time; version number of the form: testing condiLions on the environment and the apparatus: and robotic configuration (tether versus radio communication for example). If audio/video recording is done during the testing, the file names should he recorded on the form.
3.2.11 lest sponsol; ul—organization or individual that commissions a particular test event and receives the corresponding test results.
3.2.12 lest suite, n—designed collection of test methods that arc used, collectively, to evaluate the performance of a robot’s particular subsystem or functionality, including mobility, manipulation, sensors, energy/power, communications. human-robot interaction (HRI), logistics, safety, and aerial or aquatic maneuvering.
4. Summary of Test TSIethod
4.1 The task for this test method, towing by grasping, is defined as when the robot grasps either the specilIed sled that carries the operator-selected weight and traverses from the START post for a specified route to the END post and back fully. The default route shall be a figure eight, also known as a continuous“S”that is anchored by the two posts, as described in Section 6. See Fig.1 for an illustration.

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