BS 7958:2009 pdf free download – Closed circuit television (CCTV) – Management and operation – Code of practice

02-15-2022 comment

BS 7958:2009 pdf free download – Closed circuit television (CCTV) – Management and operation – Code of practice.
3.29 retrieval system
CCTV system having the capability, in any medium, of effectively capturing data that can later be retrieved, viewed or processed
3.30 secure storage
lockable cabinet, container or room located within the CCTV control room or the building which houses the CCTV control room and to which access is restricted to those persons authorized by the owner or supervisor
3.31 supervisor
person specifically designated, trained and authorized by the owner of a scheme to ensure that, at all times, the CCTV scheme is operated in accordance with this British Standard and any procedural instruction issued by the owner or manager
3.32 supplier
individual or company (and the persons employed, including all levels of subcontractor, by that individual or company) that supplies the organization with equipment, material and/or labour which is used in providing the service to the customer
3.33 takeover
transfer of contractual responsibilities from one organization to another
3.34 temporary systems
mobile and remote systems which are part of the main CCTV scheme
3.35 user
person authorized by the owner to operate a CCTV scheme
3.36 working copy
copy of recordings which is used to review potential contraventions NOTE Also referred to as the “slave copy”.
4 Principles and management of the
CCTV scheme
4.1 Objectives
The objectives of a CCTV scheme should be documented in writing, clearly indicating both valid and excluded uses.
Every reasonable effort should be made to ensure that data is accurate and sufficient for the objectives of the scheme, and that it is not held for longer than necessary. Data that is to be destroyed should be destroyed under controlled operation.
4.2 Policy
4.2.1 General
The CCTV scheme should have a written policy statement. This statement should include the identity of the owners and detail how they can be contacted.
Clearly visible signs should be placed, identifying areas where a CCTV scheme is operating.
NOTE 1 Attention is drawn to the requirements of the Data Protection
Act 1998 [1].
The objective and scope of any scheme, along with any changes or
revisions to the policy, should be defined.
NOTE 2 Many CCTV schemes have developed ancillary public in formation outputs that do not relate directly to an individual. The extended use of such schemes is aimed at improving public information and confidence and does not compromise non-disclosure. The following are some examples:
a) availability of car parking relayed to local radio or the internet; b) traffic congestion reports, local radio, phone-in or answer service;
c) public awareness, crime watch (vulnerable areas monitored actively to allay public concern about safety and enable a swift response to incidents).
The scheme should be set up for one or more defined objectives, the data held should be appropriate for those objectives and the owner should have reasonable cause to hold the data.
NOTE 3 Recording sound in a public place where a conversation might be private might not be appropriate.
Members of the public, or contracted customers, should be able to obtain certain details of any scheme on request, including:
a) the name and official address of the owner of the scheme;
b) a contact point;
c) the objectives and policy of the scheme;
d) how to make a complaint.

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