BS EN 1004-1:2020 pdf free download – Mobile access and working towers made of prefabricated elements Part 1: Materials, dimensions, design loads, safety and performance requirements

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BS EN 1004-1:2020 pdf free download – Mobile access and working towers made of prefabricated elements Part 1: Materials, dimensions, design loads, safety and performance requirements.
7.6.1 Access types
The access type is classified by a letter A. B, C or D as follows:
— Access type A: Stairway;
— Access type B: Stairladder;
— Access type C: Inclined ladder;
— Access type D: Vertical ladder.
Where a range of access types is provided, a combined classification is used.
Type AXCX means that stairways and inclined ladders can be provided.
Type ABCD means that all four types of access can be provided.
NOTE The X in the designation means that those types of access are not provided.
7.6.2 General requirements
Access to the platforms  2 m height in an assembled tower shall be within the main structural supports using one of the access methods specified in 7.6.1 and shall:
— be secured against unintentional loosening;
— not rest on the ground;
— have a distance from the ground to the first step or rung of 400 mm maximum taking into account adjustable legs. If the first step is a platform, 600 mm is allowable;
— have steps/rungs with constant spacing and a slip resistant surface.
7.6.3 Additional requirements Stairway and stairladder
The outside of stair flights shall be provided with a handrail which runs approximately parallel to the stairs. Where a flight of stairs is provided in a continuous dogleg style, a handrail shall also be provided on the inside. When flights of stairs are interrupted by platforms at  2,25 m intervals, the inside handrail may be omitted.
Flights of stairs in a continuous dog-leg style shall have landings. Each of these stairs shall have a minimum of one landing and this shall have a minimum length of 300 mm.
The minimLim clear height for access measured between the steps and the supporting structure of the stairway or stairladder above shall not be less than 1,75 m.
7.7 Means for stabilizing
7.7.1 Stabilizers and outriggers
The stabilizers and outriggers of a tower shall be designed as components of the main structure and shall provide means of adjustment to ensure contact with the ground.
The method of fixing the stabilizer or outrigger to the tower shall have adequate strength and shall be such that the reaction loads in the stabilizer or outrigger are transferred to the tower without slip, rotation, or other movement of the stabilizer or outrigger.
7.7.2 Ballast
If ballast is necessary, it shall he securely positioned to prevent unintentional movement or removal. Ballast shall be made of rigid materials such as steel or concrete. Alternatively, liquids or granular materials may be used if they are in containers supplied by the manufacturer.
The containers shall have the following characteristics:
— they shall be closable and lockable to prevent escape of the filling material;
— they shall be impact resistant to prevent loss of the filling material;
— their filling level shall he clearly visible;
— the filling material shall be specified by the manufacturer.
7.8 Connections
7.8.1 General
Each connection device shall be effective, easy to monitor and the components shall be easy to assemble. The securing of components forming part of the structure of the mobile access tower and working tower and side protection components shall make them incapable of removal except by direct intentional action.

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