BS EN 13012:2021 pdf free download – Petrol filling stations一Construction and performance of automatic nozzles for use on fuel dispensers

02-14-2022 comment

BS EN 13012:2021 pdf free download – Petrol filling stations一Construction and performance of automatic nozzles for use on fuel dispensers.
— By use of the operating lever, restrict the flow to a rate of between 15 % and 17 % of the maximum flow rate, whichever is the greater.
— Stop the flow by use of the nozzle operating lever.
— Rotate the spout axis downwards and allow it to drain.
— Rotate the spout axis to > 45° above horizontal and then return it to the propriate spout axis angle, as given in Table i’able Biwith a tolerance
— Allow flow by use of the nozzle operating lever and collect, measure and record the quantity of fluid that passes the nozzle valve(s).
— Repeat this procedure nine times and determine the average volume of fluid that passes the nozzle valve(s).
B.9 Automatic de-activating mechanism test
To confirm thAdetermine whethe hozzles with an automatic de-activating mechanism entirely within the nozzle cannot deliver full liquidafter flow has been stopped until the nozzle has been manually re-opened-, carryout the fol1owinprocedure
— Mount the nozzle in the test rig illustrated in Figure B.1, and supply it with fluid flowing at (45 ± 1)1- int.with the nozzle hold-open mechanism operating at the most open position. Stop the fluid flow by switching off the fluid flow driving forcesource and drain the spout for (60 ± 10) s.
— Rotate the nozzle so that the spout axis is between +45 ° and +50 ° above horizontal. Rotate the nozzle so that the spout axis is below horizontal.
— Switch on the fluid driving forcsource and observe for fluid flow through the nozzle)
— After (60 ± 10) s, re-establish flow by use of operating lever.
— Repeat this procedure four times.
— Repeat th(this entire procedure using the appropriate flow rates given in Table B.1.
— Observe the container for evidence of fluid having been released and record findings.
B.1O Line shock generated test
To confirm thdetermine whetherhe nozzle does not generat4is free from generating potentially destructive pressures as it operate arryoiiUthe following procedure.
— Connect the nozzle to a 2,5 m length of 3/4” hose in accordance with type 3 in EN 1369EN 1360:2013.Set the nozzle fully open and then set the pumping rate to provide the maximum flow rate (see 3.15). The temperature of the fluid passing through the nozzle shall be (20 ± 5) °C.
— As the nozzle is operated, measure the pressure during closing at its inlet using electronic equipment with a sampling rate of 10 kHz, a pressure transducer with a rise time of less than 1 ms and a pressure resolution better than ± 30 kPa (0,3 bar).
— Record 10 traces, each triggered by a separate operation of the nozzle.
B.11 Tightness test 2,.
To confirm th termine whether the nozzle does not leakis free from leaks, carry out following procedure.
C.2 Consideration should be made to using recycled or re-used materials, and to the selection of materials which can then be subsequently recycled.
C.3 The possibility of marking components to aid to their sorting for disposal/ recycling at end oflife should also be reviewed.
C.4 Packaging design should consider using recycled materials, and materials that need little energy for their manufacture, and should minimize waste.
C.5 Packaging design should consider subsequent re-use and recycling.
C.6 The size and weight of packaging should be minimized whilst protecting the products to minimize waste through damage.

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