BS EN 1540:2021 pdf free download – Workplace exposure一Terminology

02-14-2022 comment

BS EN 1540:2021 pdf free download – Workplace exposure一Terminology.
surface area
particle surface area
external (geometric) surface area of a particle
[SOURCE: EN 16966:20 18, 3.24, modified – Notes 1 and 2 to entry have been deleted.]
3.1.3 Exposure assessment
designated area or areas in which the work activities are carried out
situation in which a worker is affected by a chemical agent or a biological agent which is present in the workplace air
inhalation exposure
exposure by inhalation
situation in which a chemical agent or biological agent is present in the air that is inhaled by a person
[SOURCE: ISO 18158:20 16,, modified — General term “exposure”, for which a new definition has been introduced, has been changed to “inhalation exposure” and “exposure by inhalation” used as admitted term; the context reference “” has been deleted from the definition.]
dermal exposure
contact between a chemical agent or biological agent and human skin
occupational exposure limit value
limit of the time-weighted average of the concentration of a chemical agent in the air within the breathing zone of a worker in relation to a specified reference period
Note 1 to entry: The term “limit value” is often used as a synonym for “occupational exposure limit value” but the term “occupational exposure limit value” is preferred because there is more than one limit value (e.g. biological limit value and occupational exposure limit value).
Note 2 to entry: Occupational exposure limit values (OELVs) are often set for reference periods of 8 h but can also be set for shorter periods or concentration excursions. OELVs for gases and vapours are stated in terms independent of temperature and air pressure variables in mI/rn3 (equivalent to ppm) and in terms dependent on those variables in rng/m1 for a temperature of 20 °C and a pressure of 101,3 kPa. OELVs for airborne particles and mixtures of particles and vapours are given in mg/rn3 or multiples of that for actual environmental conditions (temperature, pressure) at the workplace. OELVs of fibres are given in number of fibres/rn3 or number of fibres/cm3 for actual environmental conditions (temperature, pressure) at the workplace.
[SOURCE: ISO 18158:20 16,, modified — Cross references in Note 2 to entry have been removed and “(equivalent to ppm)” added.]
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period of time for which the measuring procedure yields a single value
Note 1 to entry: For direct reading instruments the averaging time is related to the internal electrical time constant. For other procedures it is normally equal to the sampling time.
breathing zone
space around the nose and mouth from which breath is taken
Note 1 to entry: Technically the breathing zone corresponds to a hemisphere (generally accepted to be 30 cm in radius) extending in front of the human face, centred on the midpoint of a line joining the ears. The base of the hemisphere is a plane through this line, the top of the head and the larynx.
measuring procedure
measurement procedure measurement method
set of operations described specifically tor the sampling and analysis of chemical agents or biological agents in workplaces
Note 1 to entry: A measuring procedure usually includes preparation for sampling, conducting the sampling, transportation and storage, and sample preparation for analysis and conducting the analysis.
[SOURCE: ISO 18158:20 16,, modified — ‘in air” has been replaced with “in workplaces”.j
reference period
specified period of time for which the occupational exposure limit value of a chemical agent or biological agent applies.

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